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Word for Today, Wed, 15 Jan 2002: Our Relationship With God -- We Belong

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

We've been looking at many areas that deal with our relationship
to God, and how that affects the way we feel about ourselves, and
also how it can affect the way we view and treat others as well.
Yesterday, we looked at Neil Anderson's view of this overall
topic. Today, we'll examine what Bob Gass has to say about how
we belong.

I encourage you to read the apostle Paul's letter to the church
at Ephesus (the book of Ephesians) to see what he says, then read
Bob's message.

Your Brother in Christ,

Subject: [WFT] Wed 16 Jan 02 - You Belong!

Written by Bob Gass
16 Jan 2002 You Belong!

" ...we belong to his dearly loved son. "
Ephesians 1 : 6 (NLT)

Do you spend a big part of your life trying to get people to
accept you? Once you understand that God already accepts you,
and that you 'belong' to His dearly beloved Son, the acceptance
of others will become less important to you. You see, when God
approves of you, what difference does anybody else's opinion

Don't misunderstand me; you won't become uncaring or unmoved by
people. On the contrary, you'll become more caring and more
deeply moved by their needs - because now your own are being met
by God!The fact that God accepts you transforms your prayer
life. Once you realize that you have a direct pass to the throne
room you'll stop trying to 'talk God into hearing you.' You'll
realize that you can come boldly to Him at two o'clock in the
morning, without worrying about waking Him up or disturbing
Him. You can call on Him, knowing that you'll always be received
with love and concern, regardless of the time of day, no matter
where you are or what's going on. He'll hear you because 'you

'Once you grasp that, your low self-esteem will begin to heal,
and your reluctance to approach Him with either your sins or
your needs will vanish. Why? Because you're loved! You're
accepted! Nothing and nobody can ever change that!

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)

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