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word for Today, Wed, 15 May 2002: Joy, an important ingredient often missing

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Betty Hayes has been one of those faithful people who remembers to
pray for me, whether we correspond or not. Recently, I have been
struggling with a lot of things and finding little time to write.
When I finally did have some time to write to Betty, she reminded me
that she had been continuing to quietly pray, but that she had some
encouraging suggestions for me. So yesterday, we exchanged several

Today, Betty sent me another message of encouragement. God is at
work, and He has something there for each of us. Look at this one: my
favorite scripture passage, discussed in a relevant devotional

I thank the Lord for encouraging people like Betty. How about if we
spread her positive attitude along to some other people today, and see
what God does with it?

Your Brother in Christ,

Here's that message:

Brian, I was amazed as I read this this morning because I told you
yesterday in one of my emails that I was going to pray that God give
you a joyful spirit. Funny how God works, isn't it?

--------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 01:54:28 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Faith to Faith] May 15- Don't Forget the Joy

May 15

Don't Forget the Joy

"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice."

-- (Philippians 4:4)

Years ago, I decided I was going to walk by the Word of God. I told
God that, as far as I was concerned, His Word was final and I'd
confess it the rest of my life no matter what. That was the most
important decision I've ever made.

Not too long after that, I decided that no matter what happened,
whether I felt like it or not, I'd walk in love. Because the Bible
clearly says "faith worketh by love." It won't work any other way.

Those two decisions--to operate by faith in the Word of God and to
walk in love--are the two most important decisions I've ever made in
my life.

Recently, though, God pointed out to me that there was something I'd
been leaving out. The force of joy. He told me I have no right to walk
by faith and love and just leave joy dormant in my spirit. It's too
important. As He taught me about it, I soon came to realize that joy
is an essential part of a life of victory. Without it, I might have an
occasional triumph now and then, but I wouldn't be able to sustain
them. They'd quickly slip away.

You see, joy is what gives you the strength (Neh. 8:10) to hold steady
when the circumstances get rough. Joy gives you the ability to laugh
in the devil's face when he starts trying to knock you off your
faith. Joy gives you a kind of staying power that will make you a
winner again and again.

So make a commitment to God that you're going to walk, not only in
faith and in love but in joy as well. Make it a point to rejoice in
the Lord always...and there won't be anything the devil can do or say
to steal your victory from you!

-- Kenneth Copeland


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