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Word for Today, Wed, 16 Aug 2000: Fitting in with the Rain

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The waters have come down in the Northeast this summer, and they
are coming down this morning. They remind me of the One who sent

Sometimes we don't think there is enough rain; other times, we
think there is too much rain. But the heavens and the earth are
owned by a Creator who has His purpose in mind. The question I
ask myself today is not how much rain we will receive, but "How
may I fit into Your purpose for my life today?"

Brother Brian

PCCWeb Daily

Wednesday, August 16, 2000 Today's Devotional


John 4:14 - But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give
him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall
be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

Revival The stream now has a song to sing,

the pasture's clothed in green;

Sprightly calves kick up their heels,

Restored to a harmonic scene.

But before the summer storm began

the stream had lost its song;

the pining calves languished in shade,

Their world seemed all forlorn.

The Lord looked down from heaven,

their sighs came up as prayers;

He shook the wind and drove the rain,

Rich blessings would be theirs.

He sent the rain to soften the ground,

it lasted all night long;

and in the freshness of the morn

The earth awoke with song.

Amy Woolf Garner, 1999

God's Word, like rain, has power to give life to the dead, and
this same Word has spiritual power to revive those who are
spiritually alive, but have grown faint or weary in their daily
walk. It is wonderful to know the One who supplies both the water
for the body and water for the soul. Let us all drink deeply from
His well today.

Prayer: Lord, create in us a thirst for You and Your Word, and
then restore us as we drink from the fountain of living water
found between the covers of our Bible, and as we encounter Jesus,
who is the living Word. Amen.

Amy Garner Bennett, North Carolina, USA

Today's Canadian Bible Society Scripture Reading: 1 Kings

Today's Music: What A Friend We Have In Jesus.

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