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Word for Today, Wed, 17 Aug 2005: Faithfulness

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Wed, 17 Aug 2005: Faithfulness
Dear friends,

"He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it
in you". Those are the words of a song, and they are based on
the scripture found in Philippians 1:6: "being confident of this,
that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to
completion until the day of Christ Jesus".

Today's story comes from an annual writing contest that Larry
Davies puts on to encourage Christian writers. The underlying
theme of the message is the faithfulness of God, and that is why
the song went through my head.

Of course, if we want to start a conversation about the great
hymns of the faith, I could go on and on... Great is Thy
Faithfulness, of course, is another great classic hymn.

The real question is, do you know about the faithfulness of God?
First, you have to know about it. Then you have to trust in
Him. For some people, we don't experience the faithfulness of
God at every twist and turn in our life. Sometimes the road
seems very long. As we grow in faith, at times our faith is
tested for authenticity. It is then that we sometimes falter.
Even then, God is faithful.

Another great scripture passage is this: "No temptation has
seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he
will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when
you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can
stand up under it". (1 Corinthians 10:13, NIV).

So who is faithful? God! Who is trustworthy? God! Who will
always provide you with an alternative, no matter how severe the
temptations you may face? God!

Is God worthy of thanks and praise? Do I even have to ask that
question? The answer to me is obvious: "Oh yes! Praise the All
Powerful, Wonderful, All Knowing, Holy, Almighty, and Just King
of Kings and Lord of Lords! His Name is Jesus Christ, He is God
in the flesh, and He is always worthy, for He has given me an
everlasting hope and everlasting life in Him!".

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

A special congratulations to Rachel Davis our 2005 Sowing Seeds
Writing Contest Winner in the area of devotion. Rachel is from
Forest City, North Carolina and her story about her dad and a
church is genuine testimony about God's grace. If you are
encouraged by the story please send an email to her at

You can view all of our winners and Honorable Mentions at the
following web site locations:

Devotions --

Prayer -

Poetry -

"Church by the Bridge" by Rachel Davis

The year was 1950 and my Dad went to work for the state of North
Carolina building bridges. I couldn't wait until he came home at
night. I would always meet him at the end of the old dirt
driveway. He always made my ride back home exciting, as we flew
around the curves, the dust would fly and we would laugh and
sometimes he would let me sit on his lap and drive home.

One morning, I saw my dad staring out the window. "Beth," he said
to my mother, "God has shown me a foundation of a Church and they
can't go any further because they have no money. God wants me to
help." On a sunny afternoon soon after, Dad came running into the
house with a smile on his face: "Beth! I found the Church, God
has been showing me," he exclaimed. "We were working on the
bridge next to it, just down the road, not a half-mile from our

My Mom's head dropped and I could tell something was bothering
her. "Nathan," she said, "We don't have money to complete that

My Dad turned and looked at Mom. "GOD DOES! He will find a way
for me to do it."

Dad gathered us around and told us what an answer to prayer he
was for a small African American congregation. When funds ran dry
they prayed for help and God sent my Dad. It was a priceless
lesson. A rarity during the 50's and even more uncommon south of
the Mason Dixon line. I learned how God doesn't see color and I
learned how God answers prayer. I discovered the joy of obedience
and sacrifice as my Dad worked hard and even borrowed money to
finish the Church.

We became good friends with the people there and they always
invited us to revivals and fish fries.

As years past, I grew up and left home to work in Charlotte but
my heart remained back in the small town where I grew up. As my
kids began to leave home, my dad suggested I move back home. He
even cleared land near their property. So I came home and found a
job in the school system as a teacher's assistant. I loved
working with children and prayed over them constantly. It was a
very stressful job and teachers were hard to find for the
class. Teacher after teacher would come and go. I prayed all
summer that God would find a teacher who was a Christian for our

A few weeks went by before the principal told me the new teacher
was coming. I prepared the class and wondered whom God had placed
in my path. I arrived early that morning to meet him and tell him
about the students. As he walked in, I couldn't help but
stare. He couldn't have weighed over 130 lbs. He was small in
stature, but had a look of confidence. "Oh dear," I thought to
myself, "These kids are going to eat you alive." We began to
teach and work closely and I could tell within an hour of meeting
him that he was a Christian.

His name was Mr. Moss and he began to share with me how the Lord
called him into the ministry. One day, Mr. Moss hung his head in
doubt as he began to voice his fears of taking on this new
church. "This is my first church." he confessed. "I'm not sure
this is what God wants me to do."

"What is the name of the church?" I asked. As he answered, my
heart began to pound with excitement as I answered: "You are not
going to believe this," I exclaimed." That is the Church my Dad
helped build over fifty years ago!"

As I told him the story, he began to cry. Then he replied: "I
prayed for God to give me a sign. I was supposed to be in the
ministry and in that church and you have just confirmed it. What
God was so determined to start fifty years ago, He wants to
continue. God's work is everlasting."

We stood in that class room, both of us crying, both of us in awe
of the work God was continuing through my dad and now through
this wonderful preacher and teacher and how, very perfect is His
timing. It was a confirmation of God's marvelous grace fifty
years in the making and I was so happy to be a part, once again,
of the church by the bridge.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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