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Word for Today, Wed, 18 Jan 2006: Unseen Realities

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Wed, 18 Jan 2006: Unseen Realities
Dear friends,

Some people simply do not understand or appreciate the realities of our God.
Even people who call themselves Christians, if they are honest with themselves,
question many of the unseen realities of God. That makes the realities no less
real and no less important.

John Fischer does a good job in this message of explaining the unseen realities
of God.

I encourage you to read Psalm 139 in the next few moments. The chapter
contains twenty four verses, and it can be quickly read in a few minutes. I
encourage you to first read it quickly, but then read or reread John's message
below, then go back to Psalm 139 again and read it slowly and carefully. When
you do so, you will realize just how real, wonderful and all powerful our
amazing God really is.

If you want to read Psalm 139 on line, one translation can be found at

You can select from several different translations at the main site, and you can also use this resource to read and
study, or you can, naturally, use your own Bible in a private place.

God is real, God is great, God is just, right, pure, and true. As we read the
Bible, we get a sense of who God really is, and that helps us develop a
personal relationship with Him, and that is what He desires of us.

Yours in Christ,


January 18, 2006

Unseen Realities
by John Fischer

Most Christians are a little bit crazy. They see and hear things. Take the hymn
writer, for instance, who wrote, "In the rustling grass I hear Him pass; He
speaks to me everywhere." Now a normal person might question this man's
stability. Sensing Jesus in the tall grass nearby? Hearing His voice at the
supermarket? At work? While riding in the car? Really, it's enough to get
someone committed.

Now of course the writer is using a poetic expression here, but it does point
out one of the fundamental realities of faith: by faith, you become aware of
the unseen. You start to look behind things rather than just at them, and you
find out that there is always something (Someone) there. You become aware that
there is much more than what simply meets the eye, and you come to know this so
well that you begin to treat the unseen as more real than the seen. Here's what
I mean:

1) God is at work behind the scenes of history and current events. The Bible
tells us that God moves nations and world leaders around in ways that
accomplish His ultimate will. He is not surprised by events of history, nor
does He look on helplessly as natural disasters occur. It's hard to imagine, in
the face of war and devastation, how God's will can include such things, but it
does. Otherwise God wouldn't be God. There are reasons, even though we don't
see them or always understand them.

2) God is at work behind the scenes, and ultimately controls the events of my
life. This is where it gets personal. By believing that God is sovereign over
the affairs of my life, I can have hope even when the situation seems hopeless.
Faith never gives up. The question: "What is God doing here?" is not just a
figure of speech that hides doubt. It is a real question with an ultimate
answer. It is a question full of anticipation. God is making sense out of my

3) God's evidence is everywhere. It's impossible to be where there isn't
anything around you that God created. If it's not the natural world (plants,
animals, the stars and the heavens) it's another human being, and if there's no
one else around you to represent humanity, there is still you. We can't get
away from the evidence of God. And that means worship is always in session.
Just look at your hands and how well they function, and wonder like the
Psalmist, David, wondered when he wrote: "I will give thanks to You, for I am
fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14). That means I never have to look
very far to find the truth; the evidence is right there at the end of my arm.

John Fischer is the Senior Writer for Purpose Driven Life Daily Devotionals. He
resides in Southern California with his wife, Marti and son, Chandler. They
also have two adult children, Christopher and Anne. John is a published author
and popular speaker.

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