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Word for Today, Wed, 18 Jul 2001: God Wants You to Succeed

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

With all of the different religions and philosophies around,
there are always questions about what God really wants with our
lives and what He intends. This article today says that God
desires for us to succeed. I agree with that. I would like to
make a few comments on the message, however.

First, to be successful does not always mean that we will attain
what WE are seeking. To be successful means to fit into God's
purpose for our lives. If we are seeking God's ways, I do
believe He desires to give us some satisfaction along the way,
but not always in the manner that we may think.

Second, I do have a problem with things like psychics, palm
readers, and so forth. There are certainly a multitude of
spiritual things in this world. Personally, I prefer seeking the
Spirit of the Living God. The point that the "palm reader" made,
however, is appropriate in this context. It is about our

Finally, I believe, at the core of this issue, is our
willingness, even eagerness, to be and do whatever God wants us
to be and do is at the heart of the matter. When we have a
desire to please God, no matter what that may mean or where it
may take us, to be certain, there will be difficulties. But God
is also capable of being with us IN those difficulties and
working through them with us. I believe that with all of my

This is really more about God than it is about us. I humbly ask
that you seek Him with your whole heart today.

Your Brother in Christ,

From: "ChristianNet" <>
Subject: [WFT] Wed 18 Jul 01 - God wants you to succeed

WORD FOR TODAY by Bob Gass - Wednesday 18th July 2001

God wants you to succeed

"Word For Today" <>
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 00:48:07 +0100


Write this down, "My heavenly Father wants me to succeed." What
parent wouldn't?

So then, why do you keep failing? Today, look for your answer in
these three areas:

1. A negative attitude! Did you hear about the palm-reader who
said to her customer, "You'll be sad, miserable and poor until
you're 30." The customer asked, "What happens when I'm 30?" The
palm-reader replied, "Then you'll get used to it!" You may
smile, but the truth is that, success requires the right soil,
the right seed and the right climate in order to grow. Your
attitude determines the climate of your life, the words you speak
bring either life or death to the seed you sow. Therefore, watch
your attitude.

2. A selfish outlook! When others sense that you don't care
about them, they can actually help you to fail or at least stand
by and do nothing to keep it from happening. On the other hand,
you can survive a lot of mistakes when they remember your
kindness. Jesus said, "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall
obtain mercy" (Matt 5:7).

3. Being in the wrong place! Sometimes failure is just the
result of mismatched abilities, interests, personalities or
values. Don't spend your life climbing the ladder of success,
only to look back and realise it was leaning against the wrong
wall! Listen, "In everything you do, put God first and He will
direct you and crown your efforts with success" (Prov 3:6 TLB).
Today, God wants you to succeed - but you've got to do your part!

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)

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