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Word for Today, Wed, 18 Oct 2000: Deep Within

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I hope it comes through clearly to you that I have struggles in
my life. My hope does not come from my job or the things around
me, though I am very thankful for my job, my family, and my
friends. No, my hope comes from my relationship with my Creator
and my God, made possible by what His Son, Jesus Christ, did in
my behalf (and yours).

King David, in Psalm 139:23-24, asks God a very meaningful and
helpful thing, something that is my desire as well --- "Search my
heart, see what is in it, and if there is anything at all
offensive --- anywhere at all, please remove it for me, and
instead, lead me in ways that last forever" (My paraphrase).

Dear Lord, I want to be closer to You, to be a delight in Your
eyes. My greatest desire is to humbly obey You and be with You.
I also desire for others to share that kind of a relationship
with You. Will you examine each of us today, and cleanse us of
whatever it may be that inhibits a close relationship with You?
Thank You for Your wonderful love! I give You great thanks and
praise You for the privilege of knowing You, and the opportunity
You give me to encourage others. May it be so today, Lord.

Brother Brian

From: Karen Weber <>
Subject: Christian Thought for the day


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~~~THE THOUGHT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit
this year's fashions.
Lillian Hellman

VERSE: The Pharisees, who loved money, heard
all this and were sneering at Jesus. He said
to them, "You are the ones who justify your-
selves in the eyes of men, but God knows your
hearts. What is highly valued among men is
detestable in God's sight."
Luke 16:14-15

PRAYER: Dear Lord, I long to rid of worldly
affection and desires. Refine my heart and
help me live only for you. Amen.

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~~~AUTHOR AND SOURCE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lillian Hellman (1905-1984) was an American
playwright and motion-picture screenwriter
whose dramas forcefully attacked injustice,
exploitation, and selfishness. Hellman
refused to name names when testifying before
the House Un-American Activities Committee
in the 50s. She was blacklisted in Hollywood
for her stand. Learn more at:

Today's quote is from Power Quotes
by Daniel B. Baker

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~~~RECOMMENDED READINGS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Six Plays by Lillian Hellman

Understanding Lillian Hellman

Pentimento: A Book of Portraits by Lillian Hellman

An Unfinished Woman: A Memoir by Lillian Hellman

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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