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Word for Today, Wed, 18 Sep 2002: Scared? Who, Me?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Here is this week's edition of Sowing Seeds of Faith. Larry asks
a rhetorical question. "Was I just a wimp?" as he recounts a
story about when he got a few stitches as a youngster.

Well, maybe Larry was a wimp in those days, or maybe he was just
an attention grabber, as so many of us are, but today, I know
Larry as a person who is as open and transparent about himself as
possible. Larry admits areas where he struggles, uses his own
life often as an example of ways where God can do great and
wonderful things (when we don't get in the way), and how we can
directly confront our greatest fears.

I'd like to think that I've learned similar examples. I, too,
have faced many trials and struggles, and way too many times, I
have made the wrong choices. It has been God who has been
patient with me and brought me out of my deepest messes. It is
God who has forgiven awful sins, it is God who still seeks me out

I was a much bigger wimp than Larry ever was when I was young. I
was afraid of a baseball hitting me! (My worst fears were
reached - I was directly hit by a fastball in a sensitive area of
male anatomy by my brother in law's wild pitch when I was 12
years old, and I was accidentally beaned on the head with a soft
drink can by one of my closest cousins! Ouch on both counts!
I'm still alive, and all of my body parts are intact... scarred,
perhaps, but intact, nevertheless! 🙂

I have come to find that God is personal, and He meets all of my
personal needs. God does not necessarily sit down and chit chat
with me (not in an audible way at least), yet I can regularly
sense God's Presence and His response and activeness in my
life... if only I will pay attention to what's going on around

I pray that each of you will find God in your midst, and you will
earnestly seek Him each day, throughout the day.

Your Brother in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Are you looking for a good story, a few new ideas or something
to stimulate your walk with God? Try Larry's latest book:
"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" This book has over 330 pages full of great stories,
interesting ideas and a common sense Bible study. Now on sale
plus "postage" is free within the United States. For other
countries, postage is reduced as well. Click here and see why so
many people have to have this book:

"That Didn't Hurt!"
Larry Davies

Playing around sewing machines was a dumb thing to do, even for
a four-year-old. Too much running and not enough looking
eventually causes accidents and mine was a big one. The shelf
for holding the fabric was just above eye level and I hit it
hard, felt the pain and started screaming. Blood was spurting
everywhere. Normally sane adults were panic-stricken as I found
myself being thrown into a car and rushed to the local hospital
emergency room.

"He'll need four stitches just over his left eye," said the
doctor. The three adults who brought me all nodded in agreement.
Of course, I didn't know any of this. Instead, I saw a big man
walking toward me to cover my head with a sheet. (They did that
in those days!) Blind and scared, I did what only comes natural
for a four-year-old in a fix. I screamed and kicked my bloody
head off.

They told me later that one man held my head, another lay across
my body while several more held a leg or an arm, all as the poor
doctor applied the local anesthetic and three stitches. What
made this experience so memorable however was what happened
next: just after the surgeon finished, I sat up and looked
around the room and with a smile proclaimed: "That didn't

The adults involved laugh about the story now, but at the time,
they wanted to give me a demonstration of real pain by tanning
my backside! The question is: Why was I so frightened? Was I
just a wimp? (Please don't answer. My ego is fragile enough

I was frightened partly because of the real pain caused by the
head injury but in addition there was the fear of something
unknown represented by the sheet covering my eyes. The
combination made for one scared little boy. The reality,
however, wasn't nearly as bad as I feared. So, after the sheet
was removed and the ordeal was over... I could smile (while
everyone else groaned) and confidently say: "That didn't hurt!"

Let's face it, we all face situations which cause pain but the
real danger comes when we combine the actual pain with the
imagined fear of the unknown. This becomes a formula for

. The boss wanders into your office unexpectedly and asks
to meet with you in the morning...

. Your doctor calls and wants to discuss your latest test
results personally...

. A good friend has become more distant lately with no

How would you respond? Would you spend a sleepless night
worrying? Would you stomp into boss's office with bags under
your eyes and a fiery disposition demanding an explanation?
Maybe there would be a few late night phone calls to friends
while you cry over imagined tragedies? Would you visit a local
tavern or liquor store and quietly drink your troubles away?

We get scared of the unknown and respond by kicking and
screaming instead of trusting in God to see us through. Here are
some realistic spiritual remedies to help calm your fears:

. Psalm 34:4 -- I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me,
freeing me from all my fears.

. Matthew 6:25-27 -- "So I tell you, don't worry about
everyday life--whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes.
Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing? Look at the
birds. They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns
because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more
valuable to him than they are. Can all your worries add a single
moment to your life? Of course not."

. 1 John 4:18 -- Such love has no fear because perfect
love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of
judgment, and this shows that his love has not been perfected in

1. Pray to the Lord.

2. Don't worry about everyday life.
3. Perfect love expels all fear.

A friend advised: "Larry, if you can learn to replace your all
night worry sessions with just a few hours of heartfelt prayer,
you'll begin to feel better and likely get more sleep." Can we
ease our fears with prayer and a promise from God? Of course you
can. Try it for yourself! In the end, God offers the unique
opportunity to face our troubles with boldness and say to the
world... "That didn't hurt!"

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)


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