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Word for Today, Wed, 2 Aug 2000: Encouragement for Today's Struggles

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Here are a series of short messages, accompanied by scripture
verses and a brief prayer. For those of you on a "Turbo
Schedule", but still interested in prayer and meditation, may I
suggest cutting and pasting one or two of these out per day, and
thinking about them during the day?

I have been briefly writing this week about our attitudes, and
considering that what we think about can have a major effect on
how we treat situations. Wouldn't you know it, I have had a
really active, sometimes stressful week, and I have had moments
where I have really been tested. I have to tell you, quite
frankly, that in the privateness of my thoughts, I have been
anything but pure, selfless, loving, and caring, in some of those

But I can also tell you that the Spirit of God has helped me at
those very times. I have come to Him, confessing the anger in my
heart, my frustration and dissatisfaction. While it hasn't been
instant release, I'd also have to confess that I didn't come to
Him instantly, either. Yet God has been His usual self, faithful
and loving, as always.

So I continue to encourage you to think about the Lord in all
things. I really mean that. If you are at work, include God in
what you are doing. If you are having a rough time raising your
children, include God in that. If you are about to break up with
someone because you are misunderstood, bring it before God.
Don't allow your circumstances to bury you. "Cast your cares
upon Him, for He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7).

Friends, I battle with these things. Life isn't easy. But God
sustains me through it all. I would never consider going through
life without Him. He IS every breath I take, every move I make.

Brother Brian

From: Weekly Verses Confirm <>

Weekly Verses

First, let me apologize that you haven't been
receiving these verses regularly. We'll be
sending these to you each Monday from now on.
Thank you for your patience. I hope these
verses are a blessing to your week.


Lori Smith
email product manager

These verses are taken from TODAY'S VERSE, by Phil Ware
< >


Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who
conducts his affairs with justice.
--Psalm 112:5
New International Version

Generosity is love expressed in practical ways with joy.
Generosity and justice needed in our selfish world. They come
from a heart touched by grace.

Loving Father, I know I will meet people today who need me
to be generous with my love, time, forgiveness and money.
Please help me to treat them fairly and with love, just as you
have treated me. May my life reflect your grace to others who
need your love. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.
--Psalm 119:60
New International Version

Obedience is faith put into practice. Without action, our
faith is not real, James 2 reminds us. So without arguing,
let's quickly obey, even when we don't fully understand why,
because we've seen God's love demonstrated to us in Jesus and
we've seen the protection that his will has for us when we obey

O God, give me a heart that is quick to obey and a faith
that is quick to express itself in action. I want to please
you with my words and thoughts, but even more, Father, I want
to live a life full of your character, wisdom, and grace. Help
me to quickly obey your voice. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.


Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we
do not see.
--Hebrews 11:1
New International Version

While the road ahead of us may be filled with questions and
concerns, we can look back and see the many ways God has acted
in our behalf to get us to the places we need to be. We see
his work through history and we can take assurance that his
promises are true and his victory in us is assured.

Almighty God, I believe that before there was a world, you
existed. I trust that even now you sustain our world with your
word of grace. I am confident that before the future arrives
you are already there preparing it for us. Help me when I
worry to remember my faith and to press on trusting that you
are there. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let
us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily
entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out
for us.
--Hebrews 12:1
New International Version

Like the great heroes of the Bible, both big and small, we
can do God's work with confidence. But to boldly go where he
wants us to go, we must first be willing to let go of the sin
that entangles our lives, distorts our vision, and robs us of
spiritual vitality and stamina.

Holy Father, forgive me for my sin. Not just my blatant
sins, but my willingness to dabble in things that are not holy,
to flirt with things that are spiritually dangerous, and to
expose myself to things that leave a residue of Satan's world.
Give me strength to say no to the things that distract me from
you and to embrace with passion those things that make me more
like you. Through Jesus my Lord I pray. Amen.


I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has
called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
--Philippians 3:14
New International Version

The way to walk a tightrope is to keep one's sight on the
goal, not on the ground or what is behind. The way to walk
with Jesus is to keep our eyes on the goal, his victory waiting
for us when he returns, not on the ground (our failures) and
not what is behind (our accomplishments). The goal of the
Christian walk is to keep walking toward Jesus until we walk
with him in heaven.

Lord, I look forward to the day when you call me by name and
walk hand in hand with me. Until that day, help me fix my eyes
on what you want me to be and not what I've done. By your
grace I ask it. Amen.


I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have
preserved my life.
--Psalm 119:93
New International Version

Much like the rules parents have for young children -- don't
drink what's under the cabinet, don't play in the street, don't
walk behind parked cars -- God's guidance is not intended to
restrict us, but to protect us. His commands, both positive
and negative, are for our protection and perfection. By them
we find life and have it preserved.

Holy Lord, help me see your words as life. I know you have
given your commands, your will for holiness, to bless me and
protect me. Use your Spirit to make my heart less stubborn and
my life more nearly conformed to your will. Through Jesus'
power I ask it. Amen.


[Jesus said] "You are the light of the world. Let your
light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and
praise your Father in heaven."
--Matthew 5:14-16
New International Version

Our life will not be neutral. We will either point others
away from God or show them that allegiance to God is important.
Let's make an intentional effort today to shine the light of
God's holiness and grace in all we do and say.

O God, may the words of my mouth, the actions of my life,
and the influence of my deeds show others your holiness and
grace and lead them to acknowledge your majesty and might. In
Jesus name I pray. Amen.


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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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