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Word for Today, Wed, 21 Nov 2001: The Responsibilities of Thanksgiving and Prayer

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The Bible is clear that we are to pray for all who are in
authority over us. I am a member of the Presidential Prayer
Team. On at least a couple of occasions, I have shared with you
some of the prayer requests that come from the Email
organization. Although I do not plan to share the specific
requests with you every week, (you may join the prayer team
yourself if you want them) I may, from time to time, share a
message with you.

This message caught my attention because it has a couple of
things in it that I hold dear:

1. The message from the prophet Micah, who reminds us what God
requires - it's not that difficult, unless we choose to go on
our own - though on our own, it is impossible to do good.
With God, all things are possible, and God Himself both
teaches us what is right, and how to please Him.

2. Our president is interested, not only in bringing justice to
the needy, but also to bring aid to those in need.

I have earnestly prayed for a president that would restore honor
and dignity to our country. Though Mr. Bush is but a man, and as
a man, he has flaws, he cherishes the prayers of the people.

If there is any possible good that can come out of all of this
bloodshed, perhaps it is a realization that:

1. There is a power greater than ourselves, and that power is
none other than our Creator, the God who made us, the Christ
who saved us, and the Spirit who sustains us.

2. Our hope is not in our government, our hope is not in our
jobs, our hope is not in anything that we can manufacture.
Our hope is in God - and God alone.

As we near the time we call Thanksgiving, it ought to be apparent
that we still have very much to be thankful for. Every one of us
that is reading this message receives daily, even momentary
blessings, all of which come from God. Let us give thanks with a
grateful heart to Him who created us, Him who saves us, and Him
who sustains us, for it is in Him alone that we live and move and
have our being (paraphrasing from Acts 17).

May each of you enjoy your time of Thanksgiving, and praise the
One who made it possible. Please remember our leadership.
Whether we like or loath our leaders, God has ordained them and
given them the great responsibility to be both our protectors and
our earthly judges. Therefore, we are responsible to respect
them and pray for them.

Your Brother in Christ,

Date: 19 Nov 2001 10:39:46 -0500


The President asks us to pray that America and the coalition
forces will be able to move swiftly to: 1) Bring all Al-Qaeda
terrorists to justice, 2) Bring aid to the hungry and neglected
people of Afghanistan, and 3) Help to establish a stable
government in Afghanistan that will foster democracy, peace and
prosperity for its citizens.

Pray for the President and his staff for wisdom in deciding our
nation's next steps for finding and stopping terrorists around
the world.


Secretary of State: Colin Powell
Secretary of Defense: Donald Rumsfeld
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Richard B. Myers


"America seeks no earthly empire built on blood and force. No
ambition, no temptation, lures her to thought of foreign
dominions. The legions which she sends forth are armed, not with
the sword, but with the cross. The higher state to which she
seeks the allegiance of all mankind is not of human, but of
divine origin. She cherishes no purpose save to merit the favor
of Almighty God." --President Calvin Coolidge


"In every storm there is a "Peace! Be still" Christ will speak
where prayer call invites Him. It is every believer's call to
prayerfully hold up the arms of those who lead, that peace may
keep and fill their souls, and that peace and peacemaking may
issue through their leadership" (1 Timothy 1:1-3). --Jack
Hayford, Member of the Honorary Committee of The Presidential
Prayer Team


"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord
require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk
humbly with your God." The Bible, Micah 6:8


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#1 Most Visited New .ORG Site on the Web (October, 2001)
Current Membership Count: 600,000+


Almighty God! May we prepare
to offer up our fervent prayer;
For the President, may we be,
all united in sincerity.
The Flag that's floating all around
never let it touch the ground;
O! may our prayers ascend to Thee,
that this may now end peaceably.
If it is Thy will, O Lord!

>From SOLDIER'S PRAYER, A popular Civil War Song written by James
B. Spencer, c. 1867 Courtesy Library of Congress


TELL A FRIEND: To encourage your friends and colleagues to join,
get the
"Tell-A-Friend" email kit at


FUTURE TEAM MEMBER PRAYER UPDATES: Updates are sent at least once
weekly. Please inform of changes to your email address so that
updates aren't missed.


DECAL DELIVERY: Decals are being mailed this week to the first
500,000 members. Thank you for your patience.


WEBSITE UPDATES: See our new website with updates and more
information about the President, all focused on prayer.


TO JOIN THE PRAYER TEAM: To join and receive a free decal and
updates, go to


TO DISCONTINUE EMAIL UPDATES: If this message came directly from
the Presidential Prayer Team, you may prohibit receiving future
updates by forwarding this entire email message to If it came from another
source and you wish to stop receiving it, then please tell the
originator to no longer forward future updates to you. Note:
requesting removal from the email list may also remove your name
from the free membership decal mailing list.


CONFIDENTIALITY: Member names will remain confidential and will
only be shared with the President.


NOT A GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY: The Presidential Prayer Team is a
nonprofit organization with a singular purpose of encouraging
daily prayer for the President, his advisors and our nation. It
takes no direction or funding from any for-profit company,
political party, religious organization, or governmental agency.

Update #7 11/18/01 (C) 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team(TM),
Inc. Website:

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
Home page:

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