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Word for Today, Wed, 22 Nov 2000: Turning Irritation Into a Blessing

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I can't even begin to count the number of times that I have found
myself irritated about something, only to later find that God had
a lesson in it for me. Even this week, I have been struggling
with the work assignment, only to find that the CEO of my company
has a very positive attitude about work, family, and community
that grows out of his own personal convictions of faith. That
has helped me cope with the events of this week. The events
themselves having changed, but the framing around them has helped
me to take a fresh look at what is happening, and to be renewed,
just when frustrations were mounting.

I encourage you to take a fresh look at the things around you,
and see if there is something marvelous to observe, even in the
ordinary tasks that surround you, or in the chaos of the noise
clammoring about. It could be something right there, or it could
be something quiet and peaceful. I know that for me, personally,
I find a great peace in knowing that God has a purpose for my
life, that I am deeply loved, fully accepted, and completely
forgiven, in spite of my past attitudes and actions. What a
freedom that gives me! I no longer have to be ruled by a fear of
failure, rejection, punishment, or a sense of hopelessness.
Because of what Jesus Christ did for me, in obedience to His
Father - God, I have peace! What joy! What thanksgiving I now

Things still happen to me. I still get irritated at times. But
those things no longer OWN me, nor can they hold onto me for
long. I can let go of the things that trouble me, and focus on
the new hope I have, and the complete peace that results. So
irritation becomes just that; a temporary thing, something I can
now put into perspective. When I find myself irritated, I know
that it is past time to renew my private conversation with my
Lord, my God. He reminds me of the important things that are of
lasting value.

Brother Brian

From: PCCWeb Daily Devotional <>
Subject: Daily Devotional for Tuesday, November 21, 2000

PCCWeb Daily

Tuesday, November 21, 2000

Today's Devotional

The Heavens Still Declare The Glory Of God

Psalm 8:3-5 - When I consider thy heavens, the work of
thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast
ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and
the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast
made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned
him with glory and honour.

Psalm 147:4-5 - He counts the number of the stars; He
calls them all by name. Great is our Lord, and mighty in
power; His understanding is infinite. (NKJV)

It never ceases to amaze me that God can take something
that is irritating, turn it around and make a blessing
out of it.

When I worked on the special education bus, the bus
driver and I started our morning route before 5:40
a.m. In the parking lot where we parked our bus, three
security lights gave us enough light to feel safe, but
when one light went out there were many dark shadows.

For several weeks, the most important light for our bus
kept going off and on at the very time we needed its
light most of all. This caused many problems and became
an irritant to both of us. We complained several times,
but to no avail.

One morning, as I waited in the darkened school parking
lot, I looked through my car window and noticed that the
Big Dipper completely filled my view of the northern
sky. I have always looked for the dipper whenever I was
outside on a clear night. I love seeing it, and often
imagine it filled with water, but this time the dipper
was upside down, empty.

When I saw the beautiful, cold, late November sky, with
its overturned dipper, I began praising the Lord. The
empty dipper reminded me of God's love, full of mercy and
grace, that had been poured out upon this sinful world
almost two thousand years ago when His Son paid for our
sins on the cross. How much the Lord Jesus Christ must
have loved us to have willingly sacrificed His own life
so that all who believe and trust in Him might have, as a
gift, salvation from sin and eternal life. What a costly
and wonderful gift God gave us, and what a beautiful
picture I saw that morning in the overturned dipper. I
saw part of the glory of God. As God's word says: "The
heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament
showeth his handywork." (Psalm 19:1 KJV)

The Glory of my Lord

Delightful it is to see and know the glory of the
Lord. I see Him through creation and meet Him in His
word. I walk and talk with Him each day, I seek to
learn His will. My heart opens when I pray and I
know He loves me still. He gives me spiritual eyes
to see Him everywhere I go; then reveals that I must
look to Him if I really want to grow. My faith in
Him keeps growing strong, as I let His grace impart
His love, joy and inward peace, to fill my just
cleansed heart. It is God alone who provides for me
the riches of His grace, but to really become more
like Him I must look upon His face. It is only when
I have my eyes on Him and my heart's filled with His
Word that it is revealed to me, the Glory of the

Amy Woolf Garner 1997

Prayer: Lord, as we go about out usual daily tasks, let
us look for You everywhere. Then as we begin to praise
You for what we see, let our hearts rejoice and Your
strength fill our being. Amen.

Amy Garner Bennett, North Carolina,

Today's Canadian Bible Society Scripture Reading: Psalm

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