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Word for Today, Wed, 22 Oct 2002: Controversy and Courage

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Have you ever had a chance to really say something about what you
really believe, but when faced with the opportunity to do so, you
couldn't bring yourself to courageously share about your faith
(or for that matter, anything of a controversial nature)? Well,
join the club, you're not alone. I think that the vast majority
of us struggle with that, sometimes even after we've built up
strong convictions about what we believe.

In this week's message, Larry Davies sets the stage for a
continuing story about that very issue, one in which he entitles
"I Don't Eat Pork...". In this week's message, Larry touches on
idol worship. None of us probably think that we worship idols,
but perhaps we ought to examine ourselves carefully. Let's start
in this week with Larry's message, and we'll pick up on "The Rest
of the Story" next week.

Your Brother in Christ,


>From now until Christmas, it's the best price yet. "Breaking the
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with this price there is a limit of four books please.

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

"I Don't Eat Pork..." Larry Davies

Alex Haley, author of "Roots" first gained fame for writing the
autobiography of Malcolm X, a famous black radical in the early
60's. There was a story about his change from jail-house criminal
to Muslim religious leader. Malcolm was in prison during his
younger years for dealing drugs. He received a letter from his
brother talking of something new and great that had happened. He
would soon send more information but in the meantime, he wrote:
"Don't smoke any more cigarettes and don't eat pork."

Malcolm figured this was a new scam to get out of prison. So, at
the next meal as other prisoners lunged for the trays of pork
Malcolm calmly handed his portion to the next prisoner. The
prisoner stopped, stared and finally asked: "Why aren't you
having any pork?" Malcolm replied, "I don't eat pork!" Malcolm X
would later refer to this incident as his conversion experience
even though he was insincere. When he said, "I don't eat pork!"
he took a first step toward God. Malcolm then said to Alex Haley:
"If you will take one step toward God. God will take two steps
toward you."

"If you will take one step toward God. God will take two steps
toward you."

As sincere and committed Christians we too must be prepared to
stand up and say to the world, "I don't eat pork!" Our priorities
should change. We claim to love the Lord with all our heart, with
all our soul and with all our mind. We say we love others as much
as we do ourselves. So, we should act different. We should think
different. Shouldn't we? This noticeable change in attitude
becomes our witness to the outside world. Speaking of pork, the
Apostle Paul has something to say about food:

"So now, what about it? Should we eat meat that has been
sacrificed to idols? Well, we all know that an idol is not really
a god and there is only one God and no other." (1 Corinthians
8:4) Have any of you been tempted to eat idol food lately? No? Me
neither. At first glance, this Scripture doesn't make much sense
so let me share a more appropriate example. Let's talk about
alcohol? (Let's not!)

First, let me confess: I don't drink. "Big deal, Larry! You're a
preacher! Most preachers don't drink. Now, if you actually
admitted to drinking, then you would grab my attention!" Long
before becoming a minister, however, I did drink alcohol in
moderation. My fellow business owners and managers met frequently
and these meetings often included an open bar. Is that so wrong?
Probably not. I don't know of any verse in the Bible that
specifically says, "Thou shalt not drink." I wasn't having any
problem with alcohol so what's the big deal? Let's look further
at what Paul wrote:

"You see, this is what can happen: Weak Christians who think it
is wrong to eat this food will see you eating in the temple of an
idol. You know there's nothing wrong with it but they will be
encouraged to violate their conscience by eating food that has
been dedicated to the idol. So because of your superior
knowledge, a weak Christian for who Christ died will be
destroyed." (2 Corinthians 8:10-11)

For me, this meant that it may not be wrong for me to drink
alcohol in moderation but someone who has a drinking problem
could see me enjoying a drink and be encouraged to join me. Of
course, for them it would be a big mistake. Therefore, I would be
responsible for hurting someone else. I certainly didn't want
that on my conscience. As an added benefit, others might notice I
was no longer drinking and ask, "Why?" This would give me the
opportunity to share my newfound faith in Christ. Right?

At the very next meeting I summed up my courage and ordered
grapefruit juice. It wasn't long before someone asked what I was
drinking and when I told him, he replied: "You're not drinking?

"I'm not drinking because..." This is what I prayed for! Here was
my chance to say loudly and clearly to someone: "I don't eat
pork!" This was my opening to be a witness for Christ... to share
my faith. So what was my response to this God given opportunity?
"I'm not drinking because... I'm on a diet."

I'm on a diet? I'm on a diet? Is that lame or what? I was not off
to a good start as God's witness.

Next week: Part 2... I did learn how to be a witness in creative
ways. Plus take a 30 day challenge.

Last year about this time I wrote a three columns about
Halloween. They received more response and sparked more
controversy than anything I've ever written. Read all three for
yourself before Halloween:

Last week, a few servers blocked a column about a women whose
husband was hooked on pornography because of the word
pornography. If you missed it, I urge you to click here:

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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