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Word for Today, Wed, 23 Apr 2008: My Utmost For His Highest : "The Worship Of The Work"]

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The Bible says that in whatever you do, make sure to do it heartily, as
if you are doing it for the Lord. It is really easy, though, whether it
is our day to day profession or work of Christian service at our church
or in our community to simply do things that "seem right". Any devoted
follower of the Lord Jesus Christ ought to regularly check their motive
and the activities they are involved in. Have you prayed about the
activities? Are the activities consistent with what the Bible teaches?
If it is Christian service, is it something that God has called you to do?

When I say "seems right", remember that the Bible also says that people
often do what "seems right in their own eyes", but those very things
lead to destruction. The heart is inherently deceitful by nature.
Therefore it is important for the discerning and sincere follower of the
Lord to do just that - seek first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness (Matthew 6:33) and then we may be careful not to fall into
these traps.

Oswald Chambers writes about this topic. His messages are directed to
his students who were studying for the ministry, but the principles
apply to all of us in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in.
Therefore I encourage you to read his message and contemplate how these
principles apply to your work and to your activities of service, whether
at home, at work, at church, or in your community.

Yours in Christ,