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Word for Today, Wed, 25, Jun 2003: Move ME!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I began to edit this message a few days ago. The busy aspects of life
got in the way of completing the work. Something tells me, though,
that there are some important things in this message that need to get
out, so I'd still like to finish this message and send it to you.

The first thing that comes to mind is that prayer is a vital part of
communication with God. To me, prayer is not like creating a wish
list for Santa Claus, it's more like reading God's Word, which is His
tool (the Bible) for speaking to us, then responding to Him (prayer)
out of a thankful heart. I believe that it's healthy to do so, both
privately and quietly, when we can rest and think about things around
us, and also collectively, when we can pray as a community of
believers. It's also really important to encourage those who are
experiencing difficulties in their life and affirm who they are in
Christ. (Speaking of that, I hope that all of you can tell me who you
are in Christ, it's something we've mentioned many times. If, by any
chance, your identity and your response is NOT clear, or you don't
know what I'm talking about, I'd sure like to hear from you. I'd be
glad to discuss any part of that with you, either through the
discussion group or privately. If you want a private conversation, be
careful who you address in your address header so that the message
reaches only those you want to see it).

Another thing that comes to mind is that we need to affirm others, and
we also need to get a chuckle out of our interactions with one
another. I used to have a great time with my friends when I worked at
Digital Equipment Corporation. I'd often be silly and let people poke
fun at me, and vice versa, never intentionally in a harmful way,
always hoping to create fun and lasting memories. Larry does this
well, and in today's message, he honors his associate pastor, who is
becoming the pastor of a nearby church. George gets picked on, just a
bit, in Larry's message, but certainly not with malice, just poking
fun. I pray that George will shine a bright light of hope to many
people in his community. If he learned anything from Larry (and I'm
sure he did) that's bound to happen.

Finally, I want to consider what kind of impression, what kind of
light, I'm shining - here, at home, at church, and in the community
around me. Do you ever think about such things? I hope so. As the
redeemed people of God, we've been asked to carry the Light of His
truth to a world that doesn't understand or appreciate it at all, and
they're suffering and lost as a result. We're not better, we're
simply redeemed, not by our work, but by Christ Himself. Won't you
show others what Jesus Christ has done for you? How about today?

Dear Lord,

Your Brother in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

-----Original Message-----
From: Marilyn Russell []
Dear Larry, I have been coming here for prayers to heal me from
my depression. I have suffered for 9 months. I the last 48 hours
I have had no feelings of depression at all!!! I know that I
have been praying for others as well as myself, learning to give
the heavy burden over to God, and being fortunate to have a
great Christian doctor. I am taking this one day at a time and
you can bet that when I thought God didn't hear me he was busy
with my plan!! Marilyn

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"Sharing the Light and A Tribute to George"
Larry Davies

George Hatmaker came to our church just before Christmas, 2001
like a gift-wrapped present. He was different from me but in
such an interesting way. A preacher's son who rebelled and ran
away from God only to come back with the strongest calling of
all... to follow in his fathers footsteps as an ordained
minister in the United Methodist Church. Over the last year and
a half as our associate pastor, he has visited the sick, led
prayers in worship, started volleyball and led "church

George is a former marine, served in Vietnam, worked in
security, owned his own company and was the part-time pastor of
a small church in Miami, Florida. Shortly after the tragedy of
September 11, George felt pulled by God to make changes in his
life. While visiting relatives in Lynchburg, Virginia he asked
his wife Ana, "Do you think it's time to leave Miami and move

Ana, thought for a moment and said, "Yes... but only if we can
live next door to my relatives!"

Without any hesitation, George marched next door and asked the
neighbors if they were interested in selling their house. They
were and they did that very same day. Within six weeks, George
sold his house and his business in Miami and then moved to
Lynchburg. Within a few weeks, he walked into my office for an
interview and walked out with a job and a new ministry.

Last Sunday, our church said good-bye to George as Associate
Pastor and thanked him for a job, "well done." During his last
worship service we celebrated his ministry and showered his
family with gifts, tributes and prayers. Next Sunday, George
will travel a few miles down the road to be the pastor of his
own church and we will take pride in helping him succeed.

Two stories about George stand out...

The first "George" story concerns a little boy dying of a
cancerous brain tumor. George volunteered to visit the family
and ended up staying all day. Over the next few weeks, George
and our church used all of our resources to comfort a family
suffering an unimaginable ordeal. George was there nearly every
day offering God's presence. At the funeral he spoke of one
little boy who touched so many lives but George himself brought
the love of God to a young family when they needed him most.

The second "George" story happened while he was saying a prayer
during our worship service. A little girl standing beside him
feinted and collapsed in a heap at his feet. Somehow, George
never heard all the commotion for he kept praying. Quickly, the
choir director and several others gathered around the little
girl and carried her out of the sanctuary. It was only after
George said, "Amen" that I noticed her being carried out the
back door. Our motto at church now is, "When George prays... he
really prays."

Jesus said to his disciples: "You are the light of the world -
like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see.
Don't hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand
and let it shine for all." Being a light to the world defines
God's church: Light provides direction yet is not threatening...
it just glows. Light offers safety from the darkness. Light
attracts. Light offers comfort.

A symbol we use in our church pictures a lighthouse within a
cross. Within the light is our mission statement: "A light to
guide you safely Home." We want to be like lighthouse, shining
bright for all to see providing God's teaching and direction in
order to guide others to the safety of God's Home.

Now, we send George Hatmaker to establish a new lighthouse. We
look forward to helping him succeed and watching another church
grow stronger. We are eager to provide our prayers, resources,
love and enthusiastic spirit to go with him. We look forward to
a bright future of two churches and two pastors working
side-by-side, shining our lights together for the glory of God.

George, clearly saw the light of God and boldly followed. For
the last year and a half his light shined brightly within our
church. I am excited to have played a role in preparing him for
the next step. This Sunday, George will provide leadership for
another church who's light will soon be burning bright.


Just for Fun...

At a recent pastors going away dinner I was asked to provide two
top ten lists to share a few laughs and as we said good-bye to
pastors who were leaving. I asked a few friends to send in ideas
and here is what we all came up with. I hope you enjoy them. God
bless. Larry

Top Ten List: What pastors wish they could say to their
congregation when leaving.

10. Let's stand and sing my favorite hymn: "Move me, Move

9. Great... Maybe my child won't be the only one in Sunday

8. Yippee... I'm finally moving where Pizza Hut delivers.

7. I stayed here five years and now you're sending me

6. Can we finally sing a hymn faster than a funeral dirge?

5. I haven't seen this many smiles in church since just
after the last pastor left.

4. This church has been part of God's plan. If I survived
here... I can make it anywhere.

3. It's been real and it's been nice... but it ain't been
"real nice!"

2. I'm outta here so get over it... I know I will.

1. (All together now!) Free at last! I'm free at last!!
Thank God in heaven...

Seriously... Love one another and my successor, as I have loved

Top Ten List: What Congregations wish they could say to their
pastor when leaving.

10. Our congregational Hymn is "This Is A Day of New

9. Great... Maybe our new pastor will have children.

8. At the next church you might try practicing what you

7. Do you think they'll finally send someone with a little
get up and go?

6. Maybe the new preacher can stop everyone from leaving
the church.

5. Finally, we can stop passing out the "no-doz."

4. Will the new pastor finish before the 12:00 rush?

3. Don't worry about the keys; the locksmith is on the way.

2. By a margin of 5 to 4 our Pastor Relations committee
voted to send you a card.

1. (All together now!) Free at last! We're free at last!!
Thank God in heaven...

Seriously... Thank you for being our pastor at this stage in
YOUR ministry and OURS.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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bill? When we say "Non-Profit" we mean... "Non-Profit!" Support
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