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Word for Today, Wed, 25 Oct 2000: The Gift of NEW Life!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I have a wonderful announcement to share with all of you. Julie
Ataway, is expecting a child in November, and is experiencing
anxious moments, and concerns about the stresses her husband also
faces. She has a hope, because she understands that Jesus Christ
bore many more stresses and pains than she is facing, and she
trusts Christ to strengthen her in moments of doubt.

Well, now that I've introduced Julie's reason for hope and joy,
let me tell you another one of mine! I have the joy of having a
wonderful wife. She brought with her two children. They are a
joyful challenge to both of us every day. But now we have
another one - a newborn son. His name is Karsten Walter
Masinick, he was born at 8:37 PM on October 24, 2000, weighing 6
pounds and 12 ounces, and is 19 1/2 inches long and healthy! In
direct answer to our prayers, Karsten and Brenda are healthy and

My family is not my only source of joy. My Creator brings me joy
every day, knowing that He created me, allows me to experience
struggles, but is constantly with me, no matter what goes on.
Every breath I take comes from the Breath of His Spirit. Every
heartbeat I have is enabled by Him. Why wouldn't I appreciate
the author and giver of life? Well, I do, very much.

I appreciate Him so much, in fact, that I want to give Him praise
all of the time. That is why I taught my six year old son the
Vineyard Music song:

We want to see Jesus lifted high
A Banner that flies across this land
So all men may see the truth and know
That He is the way to heaven...

We wanna see...
We wanna see...
We wanna see Jesus lifted HIGH!

I have an attitude of gratitude in my heart. Not just today, but
every day. My God is a Holy God. He is my personal friend, but
His ways are much higher than my ways. Though He is my best
friend, there is no way that I can even begin to approach Him in
any other but the most humble way.

I think of the woman who approached Jesus, when He was having
dinner with some "influential" people of His time. Most, if not
all of them, were in a room, trying to secure the most important
place of recognition.

In comes this woman. People sneered when they saw her intrude on
their private meeting. But Jesus recognized her and made her
actions a permanent historical record. For she, in total
humility, bathed his feet with her tears and her hair, and she
poured the entire bottle of her best perfume upon Jesus' feet.

She was humble in every way. Jesus honored her for her action.
It was likely that she was a "woman of the street", so she needed
Christ. But the good thing was, she knew it, came to Jesus in
tears, and sought His forgiveness. He, being the One who earned
that right to forgive sins, forgave her (not only being God in
the flesh, but also personally humbling Himself, because He loved
enough to give Himself. Being God, His sacrifice is worthwhile
and worthy).

Brother Brian

October 25

Hebrews 12:3 (RSV)

Consider him ... so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.

It's getting toward that time of year when Andrew has to spend
more hours of the day at work. In another two months, he will
need to work on Saturdays, too. This happens every year in
late fall and through the winter; I think of it as my
single-motherhood season. But the rest of the year Andrew
arrives home for dinner promptly at 6:30 p.m., so I can't

What's hard for me is the anxiety Andrew carries around with
him as he nears his annual deadline. He doesn't grumble or
argue or kick his way through the house. No, he simply
retreats. He reads books. He doesn't talk. That gets
frustrating, especially after I've had a long day filled with
children. I remind myself that silence is a pretty innocuous
way to handle stress. And the lack of communication wouldn't
be so hard if it weren't that I have a husband who genuinely
wants to talk to me the rest of the time.

This year promises to be a bit harder than years past, for our
third child is due at the beginning of November. I will be
more exhausted than usual, probably frazzled and wanting to
vent at the end of the day. Andrew will arrive home more
likely to find a crying baby and a household in disarray than
peace and respite. How will we ever handle it?

We can look ahead dreading the stress and strain. Or we can
admit that God knows Andrew's schedule and yet chose this time
to give us a new baby. We can trust that He is giving us an
opportunity to learn something about how to rely on Him, grow
closer to Him, sanctify our lives through the practice of
patience and humility. We can pray a bit more... which will
allow us less time for complaining.


Lord Jesus, You were tired when You reached Calvary. When I
grow weary, help me to pick up my cross and follow You.

--Julia Attaway,8631,~8,00.htm?ref=lm

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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