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Word for Today, Wed, 27 Feb 2002: What's Good About Waiting?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

A friend of mine, who I've met on the Internet, though never
personally, shared this message with me. I'm familiar with the
teachings of Charles Stanley, but I've never visited the
particular Web site from which the following message comes.

My friend sent this message to me because she knows that I am
looking and waiting and searching for a permanent job. Since
last summer, the most I've been able to do is freelance writing,
which has not been giving me a consistent and stable source of
income. I've been searching for what God wants me to do next,
convinced that He has something specific in mind, yet exactly
what that may be eludes me.

Have you ever been in a similar situation, looking and waiting
for something? What does it feel like for you to have to wait?
I'll admit it has been somewhat disconcerting for me, though I
keep reminding myself of the promises of God. (I just hope that
I don't have to wait seven years or some biblically long period
to find out where God is taking me). In any case, I believe the
message that follows is fundamentally sound and I encourage you
to read it and pray about it. God is active and interested in
the events of our lives, and this message deals with the feelings
associated with waiting and a bigger thing - surrendering

Are you willing to surrender control to God today, regardless of
how uncomfortable it may make you feel?

Your Brother in Christ,

+Living Life God's Way+

Do you see that God's sometimes painful dealings with you are
but an extension of his fatherhood? Do you understand that his
rebuke only affirms your glorious position as a child of God,
who loves you enough to place his disciplining hand on your

Charles Stanley

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27:14

Waiting is one of the hardest things to do in all the world!
If you have to wait for someone who is late, or if you're
expecting something important in the mail, or if you've
applied for a job and you're waiting for the phone to ring,
waiting can almost drive you crazy! Why is it so difficult to
wait? Waiting means you're not in control. Someone else will
determine what happens next. Whether you're waiting on an
inconsiderate friend, a slow postal system, or an indifferent
employer, sitting helplessly can be excruciating.

Waiting on the Lord is a different matter. God loves you more
than you can even imagine. Everything he does in your life
shows his perfect love for you. When God delays giving you
something, he has a good reason. It's not that he doesn't
love you or that he wants to make you squirm. It's a matter
of timing. Waiting on God reminds us of just how much our
lives depend on him. Every day we wait is another day to
realize how helpless we are apart from his strength. Waiting
on God can be one of the most spiritually rewarding things we
ever do. Waiting on God is not sitting around doing
nothing. Waiting on God involves action on our part. We
should pray. We should continue doing what God told us
last. We should watch for what he does next. We should
examine our hearts to see if any sin is hindering God's

If you are waiting on God for something right now, don't
consider the time an idle, frustrating experience. Trust that
he loves you and that his answer will come. In the meantime,
get busy!

Henry Blackaby; 12/29/2001

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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