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Word for Today, Wed, 28 Aug 2002: Don't Lose Hope, For God IS Our Hope!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

EDITORIAL NOTE: I've had most of this message prepared for a
couple of days now, but my circumstances have left me with little
time to finish and publish this week's work. Please pray for
me. I will try to get out all of the published material for this
week today. ---Brian

Today, I'd like to share with you the continuation of last week's
story from Sowing Seeds of Faith. You may recall that Larry
began to write about a person who had completely lost hope and
was about to take their own life.

My prayer for today and for this week is that each of us will
honestly turn to God for the answers to all of our issues, not
just when we're looking for yet another confirming, feel good
experience. Our hope doesn't come from the things in the world -
many of us have lost hope in such things anyway. Our hope comes
from Christ - we know what God is like when we know Christ

O God, I want to know You in every possible way. You are my only
real source of hope. I confess that there are times when I go
looking in all different places for ways to "feel good", either
about myself or just to satisfy some craving. I confess that it
is wrong to seek to be filled in any manner other than to seek
You first in all things, and to be content and even joyful at the
wonderful things that You provide for me each day.

Please help me to rely on You in everything, especially when I go
seeking to "feel good". May Your Holy Spirit guide me in all
things, that I may yield to Your purpose for my life, rejoicing
in what You have in store for me today.

I pray, beginning with my own relationship with You, yet I
realize that there are so many out there who are lost and
struggling without You. My other prayer is that You would so
change my life and my heart that I may become a useful light - an
illumination of the dark things around us - not to point to
myself, but to direct people to You, for You are our only hope.
Help me, in whatever I think, do, and say, to reflect the kind of
attitude that You have toward me and toward each of us, that I
may shine hope for others to see and embrace. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

This week concludes a story about an event that really happened
just a few short months ago. For me, this is a vivid reminder
that even in the midst of our worst pain, God is still actively
working among us to create miracles. My prayer is that you will
be blessed and become a part of our prayer ministry. For more
information click here:

If you would like to read part one, click here:

"Contemplated Suicide Becomes A Miracle of Hope" Part 2 Larry

Last week, I wrote about Margaret and her email contemplating
suicide: "...I don't have time now to wait to be printed on a
prayer list. I need to die tonight to be closer to God. I have
tried to mend relationships with my children and parents and
sister. I have no one to turn to here on earth. I want to be with
God. I pray you will read this soon and pray for me." Yours in
Christ, Margaret

The response from our eight thousand subscribers was quick and

"Sweetie: You may feel alone but you are not! Reach out your
hand. Jesus is there honey. He loves you and is always near your
side. As many tears as He shed long ago for mankind, He now sheds
for you and the ache in your heart that makes you want to give up
and not complete what He has planned for you. Please reconsider!
I don't know you but my heart hurts for you! Please contact me!"

A phone call from a friend prompted the next step. "Why don't you
trace Margaret's email address and call her," he said. Assuming I
wouldn't find her, I had not even bothered to look. I felt so
dumb. Yet, after spending several fruitless hours on the internet
searching, I was still getting nowhere. "Now what do I do, God?"
I asked. Meanwhile, more emails filled with encouragement and
prayers arrived.

"Hi, Margaret - You and I have many problems in common including
knowing what it's like to be on the verge of losing a much-loved
farm. And guess what? God didn't let it happen. He also didn't
let my suicide attempt succeed either. Here is what we did when
we were losing the farm and everything we owned. Be careful
because it's a dynamite prayer. We still say it every
morning. "Father, work Thy PERFECT will in our lives this day. In
Jesus' precious Name we ask it. Amen." That is ALL we did, all we
had to do and all we continue to do. We turn our lives over to
God each morning and let Him work out His plan for us, trusting
that it will be better than anything we could do ourselves. God
is still a miracle-working all-powerful loving Father. Give it a
try, okay?" Doris

First, were the hundreds of emails then an additional series of
miracles happened...

While gathering prayer requests from our website, I discovered
another note from Margaret but this one specifically mentioned
where she lived. George Hatmaker, our Associate Pastor and a
former police officer convinced the county sheriff that she
needed immediate assistance. After receiving a telephone number,
George called Margaret and urged her to stay on the line until
help arrived.

In addition, all of this activity took place in the midst of a
fierce thunder storm which was knocking out electricity and
telephone service and flooding the county. Yet somehow, the many
emails and George's phone call got through. How? We honestly
don't know. Margaret told us she was so astounded when the phone
rang in the midst of the storm she forgot about her suicide

Later she wrote: "I want to thank you for your caring and
prayers. The sheriff had an ambulance bring me to the nearest
hospital. I have been there all week. I had the pills to kill
myself when messages started coming from all over the world. I
would be reading one and it would pop up that I had 10 new
ones. Right now there are over 1000 e-mails on my computer which
stopped receiving them because of an overload! I had no idea God
had so many hi-tech angels to care for me. Those messages were
keeping me alive. I received awesome prayers! I don't know how to
say thank you for sending help when you did. I want to have faith
and pray like that! I will be grateful to you forever." Love,

David wrote in Psalm 16: "Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to
you for refuge" I know the LORD is always with me. I will not be
shaken, for he is right beside me. No wonder my heart is filled
with joy, and my mouth shouts his praises! My body rests in
safety. For you will not leave my soul among the dead or allow
your godly one to rot in the grave. You will show me the way of
life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of
living with you forever." (Parts of Psalm 16)

Remember: The Lord is always with you. You will never be
abandoned. Even during your darkest moments, cry for help and God
will find a way to reach you. If you have any doubts, just ask

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)


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