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Word for Today, Wed, 28 Dec 2005: Extravagant Giving

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Wed, 28 Dec 2005: Extravagant Giving
Dear friends,

What was the most extravagant gift that you ever received? At first thought,
many of us might think about some certain gift given to us by a relative, best
friend, or loved one.

Well, when we think about it a bit more, our number one loved one, Jesus
Christ, was an absolutely awesome giver! He gave unreservedly, even to many
who choose not to receive Him.

Max Lucado, another of my favorite Christian authors, writes about the
extravagant giving of Christ.

Think about it. Would you ever consider giving even a tenth as extravagantly
to Him?

Yours in Christ,


UpWords from Max Lucado

Extravagant Giving

We delight in giving our loved ones extravagant gifts, don't we? Especially at
Christmas. Yes, we give gifts throughout the year- birthdays, anniversaries,
and other special occasions-but at Christmas time, we put a little more effort
into finding that extra special gift for that special person, or persons, in
our lives.

An engagement ring. A family portrait. A special edition leather-bound book. A
set of golf clubs. Diamond earrings. A puppy. Whatever the gift might be, we
want it to be a bountiful expression of our love.

Maybe it has something to do with the lavishness of the gift that first
Christmas morning, the extravagance of love that came in the form of a tiny,
helpless newborn. Consider the gift for a moment, what Jesus really did. He
swapped a spotless castle for a grimy stable.

He exchanged the worship of angels for the company of killers. He could hold
the universe in his palm but gave it up to float in the womb of a maiden.

He humbled himself. He went from commanding angels to sleeping in the straw.
>From holding stars to clutching Mary's finger. The palm that held the universe
took the nail of a soldier.

Why? Because that's what love does. It puts the beloved before itself. Your
soul was more important than his blood. Your eternal life was more important
than his earthly life. Your place in heaven was more important to him than his
place in heaven, so he gave up his so you could have yours.

And that's what extravagant giving is all about-love, God's love, a love that
knows no limits, no end. The Christmas kind of love. The type of love we are
commanded to give to others: "So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love
each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other" (John 13:34

Brian Masinick,
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