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Word for Today, Wed, 28 Mar 2001: Trade-offs

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I think this message is very relevant to my life, and it caught
my attention immediately. I suspect this is useful information
for many of us, so I offer it to you today. Hey, since Bob calls
his articles "Word For Today", perhaps it merits a look! 😉

Dear God,

You are mighty, awesome, holy, and lovely in all of Your ways. I
acknowledge that today, and I want others to know that is the way
I feel about You. I desire to give You first place in every area
of my life. Lord, You and I both know that can be a struggle -
sometimes it is a struggle with my own attitudes, other times the
things around me attempt to interfere with our relationship. I
want You to know that it is my desire to keep our relationship
foremost, regardless of what else may be going on. But I also
confess that I am weak, and prone to be affected by the things
around me. So I ask Your help. Please draw near to me today and
help me stay close to You. There is nothing else that is more
important to me than that.

I continue to pray for those in need everywhere, and it seems
there is never a lack of things needing prayer. People
everywhere are under pressure to compete, and to cave under to
the lure of things around them. Our leaders are being encouraged
to make new laws that oppose Your laws. Lord, I pray for all of
them. How I wish they would recognize that their deepest
longings can be fully satisfied in You. All I can do in response
is to pray, and to allow my own life to praise You. I count on
You to do the work in hearts and lives that rightfully is Your
place, for You created all things. I am eager for You to
continue that work today in my life. Thank You, Jesus, for
making it possible. Amen.

From: "ChristianNet" <>
To: Word For Today mailing list <>
Subject: [WFT] Wed 28 Mar 01 - Trade-offs

WORD FOR TODAY with Bob Gass - Wednesday 28th March 2001




Do you consider your life a success? Before you answer, listen
carefully to these words: "Success is waking up in the morning and
bounding out of bed, because there's something out there that you
know you're called to do and you love to do it, something you
believe in that you're good at, that's bigger than you and you can
hardly wait to get at it again."

To succeed at anything, you have to make trade-offs. Here are
three of the biggest:

(1) Immediate pleasure for personal growth. It takes decades to
grow an oak tree, but days to grow a squash. What do you want to
be? Are you willing to discipline yourself to do it?

(2) Everything for one thing. The younger you are, the more
'experimenting' you should do. That's fine, but once you've found
God's purpose for your life, stick with it, give it all you've
got and refuse to be side tracked (see Phil 3:13).

(3) Quantity for quality. You don't really pay for things with
money, you pay with time. Consider this: you say, "In five years
I'll have enough to buy my dream home, then I'll slow down." Five
years - that could be one tenth of your adult life. Translate the
pound value of a thing into time and you'll always know whether
it's worth it or not.

If you want your life to count, here's the formula: Give God the
first part of every day, the first day of every week, the first
portion of every pay cheque and the first consideration in every
decision. That's a formula that can't fail!

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)

Printed copies of "The Word for Today" are available free from UCB,
PO Box 255, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8YY, England.

As a gift to the body of Christ, permission is given to churches
and Christian organisations to copy up to a maximum of 52 daily
excerpts per year. Such excerpts must acknowledge: The Word for
Today as the source, give the UCB address and inform that free
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