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Word for Today, Wed, 29 Sep 2004: Navigating Stormy Seas

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Wed, Sep 2004: Navigating Stormy Seas
Dear friends,

Today's devotional message comes from Larry Davies' Sowing Seeds
of Faith. Please pray for me. I developed bronchitis a week ago
Thursday, and I have been battling with fever, loss of rest, and
coughs ever since. I am most of the way through
a ten day antibiotic. It has taken quite a while to clear things
out in my system, but progress is finally being made.
Pray that it is effective in restoring my body to health.

In this message, Larry Davies writes about his experiences with
shrimp fishing. I have my own experience about work fishing.

I have a job working in a local school district. The work is
simple, but satisfying in the sense that it is possible to make a
real, tangible difference in the lives of students. At the same
time, I realize that unless I want to give up the family home we
own and lose much of the other possessions we have, it is time to
make some big changes.

I've been looking at my passions. Do I want to remain working in
the computer industry? That would be nice, it would be the best
way to provide for my family. Can I do anything else? Clearly,
yes. I've scrapped, attempting to sell appliances, provide
evening technical support for low cost software, and I work part
time for my friend, Larry Davies. I know in my own heart that I
have poured everything possible into each endeavor.

Where will it all lead? I may have to start over, but I have
done so several times. I realize I can write, I can teach, I can
counsel, and I still have pretty good software skills. One thing
that I know for sure. I have been giving my life for Christ
every day. I just realized in the wee hours of this morning that
wherever I go, I do have to make my own steps. I can't just let
anything just come to me (though in a few ways, there have been
some things come to me). My heart's desire is not to become
wealthy in the ways of the world, but to simply provide for my
family so that I can offer every area of my life to Christ,
uninhibited. Bloom where you are planted - I'm sure doing that.

My heart still wants to find a stable day time job so that I can
continue to pour out my life, my family, my friends, and various
ministries to others.

When my obituary is written one day, I want it to say that here
is a faithful man who pursued God, loved people, and tried to
make a real difference in life and work, no matter what it is.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith--

To read part one you can click here:

"A Lesson on Fishing and Life" part 2 Larry Davies

Blacky, my grandfather and I were shrimping together. My older
cousin laughed when he heard: "So, you're the new victim,"
he said. "You'll be sorry!" Yet, everything started
wonderfully as I helped toss out the nets and guided the boat.
The work was hard but seeing all those shrimp and working beside
my grandpa, the greatest fisherman in the world, made it all
worthwhile. Then Blacky promptly fell asleep-- not just a
polite snooze but a symphony filled with snores and wheezes to
wake the dead but there was no waking him. Now what? I was in
deep water and deep trouble with help miles away.

A similar situation happened to the disciples as they traveled
with Jesus: "One day Jesus said to his disciples, "Let's
cross over to the other side of the lake.' So they got into a
boat and started out. On the way across, Jesus lay down for a
nap, and while he was sleeping the wind began to rise. A fierce
storm developed that threatened to swamp them, and they were in
real danger." (Luke 8:22-23)

Like the disciples, I was in danger, afraid. My guide and expert
wouldn't wake up. I didn't know if he was sick or just very lazy
but either way I needed help from another source.

"The disciples woke him up, shouting, "Master, Master, we're
going to drown!'" (24)

After a moment of panic, I realized something had to change.
"Stop and think!" I said. Then, I remembered how grandpa already
showed me what to do but I needed to mentally retrace his
lessons. First, take in the nets so I leaned over the side and
grabbed the ropes and-- "Whoa, these nets are heavy!" I thought.
Slowly, inch by inch, I began hauling in the heavy nets while
placing them on the deck. It wasn't long before I was rewarded
with the sight of shrimp-- hundreds of shrimp.

Fear turned to wonder as the hold was filled to the brim. I
looked over at Grandpa with newfound pride but I could tell by
the loud noise coming out of his mouth, he was still fast asleep.
My fear returned.

"So Jesus rebuked the wind and the raging waves. The storm
stopped and all was calm! Then he asked them, "Where is your
faith?'" (25)

"Stay close to the buoys," Grandpa said to me, earlier that
morning. "They will guide you safely home."

With a silent prayer I turned the boat toward what I hoped would
be where we had come before. Fortunately, it wasn't long before I
saw a familiar blue buoy ahead. Soon, I saw the comforting vision
of the shoreline in the distance. As the boat glided steadily
through the water toward home, I felt a surge of pride. As I
glanced at Grandpa, he was no longer snoring but there was a
trace of a smile on his face. Blacky never admitted it but others
later told me: "It was his way of testing me and I passed."

"And the disciples were filled with awe and amazement." (25)

Occasionally, you may find yourself in deep trouble with help
seemingly miles away. You cry out in pain but everyone seems to
be asleep. No one answers, at least not right away and not with
the response you're looking for. Now what? You can panic or you
can abandon ship or you can:

1. Stop, think and mentally retrace lessons already learned.

2. Grab hold of the nets with all your strength and pull.

3. Don't stop pulling, don't give up and don't lose faith.

4. Say a prayer and turn the boat where you hope will be the
right direction.

5. Continue looking for the buoys and they will guide you safely

Jesus was disappointed in the disciples for allowing a
thunderstorm to scare them without trusting in the authority of
Who was already in the boat. The disciples also were being tested
but unfortunately came up short this time. "Where is your
faith?" asked Jesus. Later, they would learn their lesson

Blacky is in heaven now but while writing this story I found new
appreciation for the creative way he loved and nurtured me.
Through his experience, I discovered valuable lessons. Because of
his sleepy test, I found newfound strength and with his loving
encouragement, I found courage. Thanks Grandpa.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide
your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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for a Better Life" now on sale only through our website.


Brian Masinick,
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