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Word for Today, Wed, 30, 2002: Making a Church Special

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Larry Davies will continue his story in Part Two of "I Don't Eat
Pork" next week. As is a writer's (and Pastor's) option, being
led of the Spirit, Larry has decided to shift gears for a week
and write about why a local church can be special and relevant.

In my own local church, we've been gradually transforming
ourselves over the past few years. You see, we have a very nice,
well attended local church, right in the heart of the capital
city of New Hampshire, Concord, NH. The membership has been
fairly steady over the years, but it really hasn't been, at least
until recently, growing all that much - just changing faces. Now
we all know, at least if we read our Bibles, that one of the
primary purposes of the New Testament church is to spread the
Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ everywhere we go. So if we're
holding a the same level in the same place, that sounds a bit to
me like we're "lukewarm"... hmm, isn't there a passage of
scripture that addresses that matter? So our church has been
doing some soul searching, and things are starting to change -
prayerfully to the honor and eternal glory of our Lord.

The local church is animportant thing. In spite of its warts
(and most churches have them), a church is a vital component that
God has chosen to use to spread His Word to people and to bring
hope to the hopeless, encouragement for those needing
encouragement, and praise to a most deserving and Holy God.

My friends, each of us, as individuals, is part of the greater
community and church of God. Theologically, we undoubtedly have
our differences. We can love one another, even as we have
differences, we can stand firm in what is right and true, and we
can make a difference in our communities, both as local churches
and as individuals.

Larry's church has some interesting programs that are going on.
But note that it's not really the programs that matter, it's
being available, responsive, and faithful to whatever God calls
us to do and be. Then when we engage in programs, they are not
just "stuff to do", they have an impact in the lives of real
people, right in our communities.

I love my own local church and its people. I'm deeply involved
with the children of our local church. We have a Wednesday
evening program for children of preschool age right up through
elementary school. I've seen in my own home what a difference
the words, music, and things we do affect in the things my
children talk about. So when I saw a need to minister to
children and a lack of workers, it didn't take 2 weeks of prayer
to respond to the need... God had already been speaking to my

I want you to know that I'm nobody in particular. I just have a
passion for Christ, a paassion that I share with you. I believe
that God cultivates that passion in us when we are willing to go
where He wants us to be and do what He wants us to do.

So my question to you is, "Are you listening to God today?"

Your Brother in Christ,


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Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Part two of "I Don't Eat Pork" will still continue next week but
in preparation for our church yearly meeting I found something
exciting. With all the negative news about our economy, snipers
and terrorists, it's nice to hear an encouraging word.

"What Makes A Church Special?" Larry Davies

Recently, members of our church filled out a survey of what was
especially meaningful for them during the past twelve months.
The responses were encouraging and pointed to ten general

1. Bible and Small Group Studies - Whether it was Experiencing
God, Bible Study 101, a study on discovering your spiritual
gifts or a Sunday school class... Bible studies and small groups
were the overwhelming number one response on the survey. "Even a
'Beverly Hillbilly Bible Study' brought me to tears" was the
comment of one participant.

2. Special Services - Our September 11th Memorial service was
frequently mentioned. Others were moved by Lent and Easter
services. A Christmas Eve Candlelight service and a special
Christmas Cantata service were mentioned. And of course, who can
forget the arrival of the "Beverly Hillbillies" at our annual
June "Beach Service."

3. Music Ministry - Whether it's one of our many choirs, a
musical group or a talented soloist, music is a unique part of
our church charm. Every week there is something to anticipate.
In addition we have enjoyed outstanding guests from the Old Time
Gospel Quartet to the African Children's Choir to our own "Old
Fashioned Gospel Sings." We have been musically blessed.

4. Church Growth - Every month, we have the opportunity to
baptize and receive new members to our church family. From the
time someone enters our sanctuary and receives one of our famous
"red bags" full of gifts we do our best to make everyone feel
welcome and loved. One person wrote, "It's exciting to watch our
church grow in such leaps and bounds that we had to expand the
building to accommodate all of the special people in our

5. New Sanctuary - Every Sunday morning, on the way to worship,
people can't help stopping by the construction site to see what
progress has been made. Just as important as the building has
been the attitude of those serving on the building committee. "I
love how we all worked together as a team for God." One goal was
to finish the building and remain friends.

6. Ministries Galore - There is a ministry for almost any need.
We have very large and active youth and children's groups. You
can join MOPS, (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) send your child to an
early learning center or after-school program. There is a
ministry for young adults, married and single and we've joined
other churches in starting "Positively Single."

7. "Seeds for Life" - The house was condemned and the woman who
lived there would be out on the street. "Seeds for Life" formed
by members of our church repaired the roof, the floors and the
wiring. Youth from several churches painted the exterior. A
Sunday school class sponsored a shower to provide new
furnishings and appliances. "When we saw the before and after
pictures... we could only gasp in dismay. It was a miracle!"

8. Lawyers Road Missionary Baptist Church - The newspaper
pictured a church with both side walls and the roof completely
blown away by a tornado. The following Sunday... we welcomed
them to our building. They are still with us today. It was the
right thing to do. My favorite comment: "I have never in my life
been so proud to be a member of this church."

9. Meaningful Messages - There was the "Hot Issues" series that
dealt with some of the most important issues of our lives. There
was the series on the Psalms: "You actually made the 23rd Psalm
even more meaningful for me." Another wrote, "Your Associate
Pastor, George Hatmaker touched my heart with his message on

10. Prayer - During the service we light a mountain of candles
for those who need prayer. Every worship bulletin includes a
page filled with prayer needs. Our internet site receives prayer
requests from around the world and along with thousands of
prayer partners we pray and offer encouragement through email.
One person wrote: "The special requests and online prayer groups
are phenomenal. This ministry has produced miracles and changed
lives including the miracle healing of my niece. The outpouring
of love and prayer is overwhelming."

This response touched my heart: "Larry, I just wanted to write
you a little note of thanks. My boyfriend came to church with
me. After the service, he went home and wrote me a letter before
taking me back to school. He was touched by what you said in
your sermon. He always felt misjudged in church, but it wasn't
like that for him this time. He knew he needed to thank God for
the good in his life and for allowing the two of us to be
together. However, it took going to church for him to realize
it. I want to thank you because that Sunday, he took one step
toward God but God took three steps toward him."

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)


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