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Word for Today, Wed, 31 Jan 2001: Mercy or Judgement?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This message is a good one. It reminds me of the perfect balance
between mercy and judgement. On one hand, God's Word tells us
that mercy triumphs over judgement. But that does not mean that
there is not a judgement. This message reminds us that God is
very patient with us. He forgives us, again and again for the
things that we do. But His merciful ways do not give us license
to ignore the Holiness of God. He cannot be mocked, and His very
essence is to be honored, loved, and revered. To think that we
do not deserve judgement is a big error on our part. It is only
by grace that we can even go on a moment.

I urge all of you to be aware of the wonderful grace of God, but
do not be deceived into thinking that there will be no judgement.
Remember to seek God every day, desiring to be obedient to His
ways. We are prone to fail. God made us, and He recognizes
that. But God wants us to seek Him, recognize our desperate need
of Him, and turn toward Him. When we do so, He pronises to make
our righteousness shine like the noon day sun (but like the noon
day sun in "The Valley of the Son", not the northern depth of
winter! 🙂

Dear Lord,

I recognize that my ways deserve judgement, and I know that my
only hope of innocence is due to the sacrifice of Christ on my
behalf. Please accept my confession of sin and my humble plea
for mercy today. Sharpen my mind and my spirit, that I would be
in tune with Your Spirit throughout the day, that I may not
continually sin against Your Word. Forgive our nation for our
failure to place You first in our hearts. Turn our nation away
from self centered interests and back to Your ways, which brought
us here in the first place. Guide our leaders as they rule over
us. May a spirit of forgiveness, kindness, and self control
govern our land, and may our hearts be healed and returned to
You, right where they belong. Amen.

Brother Brian

Reply-to: "" <quietwalk@e2img1.>
Subject: Quiet Walk for Wednesday, January 31, 2001
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 03:18:52 -0500

by Walk Thru the Bible

Exodus 14


The Lord parts the Red Sea, enabling the Israelites to be
delivered from the Egyptian army.


We hear little about the judgment of God these days. In
our sophisticated society, we do not like to hear of it.
It seems beneath our dignity and outside our
broadmindedness. However, whether we like it or not,
judgment is a very dominant theme in the Bible.

The judgment of God is terrible and all consuming. The
Egyptian army was drowned in the Red Sea-not one of them

God is patient. God is tolerant. And, as we have seen,
He is quick to forgive.

God will not suffer rebellion without end. There comes a
point when judgment will fall. It does not fall without
ample opportunity to repent, but if repentance does not
come, judgment will.

Judgment must be part of our message to others and part
of our own consideration.


* Christ has taken our judgment for sin on Himself, and so we
praise Him:

Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever You had
formed the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to
everlasting, You are God (Psalm 90:1-2).

* Now pray this confession to the Lord to keep your life free
from sin and in fellowship with Him: I return to You, O Lord
my God, For I have stumbled because of my iniquity; I take
words with me, And return to You, Lord. I say to You, "Take
away all iniquity; Receive me graciously, For I will offer
the sacrifices of my lips" (Based on Hosea 14:1-2).

* Confess any sins that the Holy Spirit brings to your mind.
As you agree with God's will, voice your affirmation of His

"If you love Me, keep My commandments" (John 14:15).

* As you make your requests known to the Lord, pray for:

* deliverance from temptation,

* laborers for His harvest,

* your unsaved friends and family.

* Offer this prayer of worship to the Lord:

To You who are the blessed and only Potentate, the King of
kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality,
dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or
can see, to You be honor and everlasting power. Amen (Based
on 1 Timothy 6:15-16).

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Walk Thru the
Bible. Copyright 2001 Walk Thru the Bible. All
rights reserved. See www. walkthru. org/ for more
information about Quiet Walk and other devotionals from
Walk Thru the Bible.

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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