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Word for Today, Wed, 7 Aug 2002: Miracles Do Happen, Here's a Story About Miracles

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The world around us is difficult, there's no doubt about that.
Even so, has it ever crossed your mind that
you... personally... are deeply loved and cared for? The Word of
God says so, specifically and repeatedly.

If we step back for a moment and look at God's intricate creation
for a moment, perhaps at least some of us can see that.
Ultimately, it becomes a matter of faith. Do we believe what God
says, based either on history of what has happened, what the Word
of God itself says, or even on personal experience? Or are we
hurt or damaged by the circumstances around us so that we either
cannot or will not believe God at His Word?

Today, Larry Davies has another great message about how it is
possible to experience a miracle, even in the midst of
strife... a miracle of fioding love, hope, peace, and
contentment. If any of you are struggling right now, it is my
prayer that even in the midst of the struggles, in the middle of
very real hurt and pain, the Spirit of God will personally touch
your inner spirit and you will experience the peace, hope, love,
and joy that all true Christians know and experience.

If you've never experienced those things, I urge you today to cry
out to God and ask Him to reveal Himself to you --- today --- in
a private, intimate, and personal way, and that His love will
permeate everything you think about and everything you do, both
for the honor and glory of God and for your own eternal benefit.

Have you had your own private appointment with your Savior today?


One thing hasn't changed. I still yearn to know You more, to
experience, moment by moment, the depth and extent of Your
amazing love, to bask in it's peace, and to be with You forever.

I want others to know the love that You have and the joy of Your
salvation. Help me put aside excuses, fears, and anything else
that impedes me from sharing the hope that I have in You with

I also continue to pray that You would help me to be a genuine
encouragement to others, and that I may also be encouraged by
others. May we be one in the common hope that we find complete
in Christ. I ask each of these things humbly in Christ's Name.

Your Brother in Christ,

Have you ever been betrayed by a Christian friend? Were you ever
hurt deeply by someone in ministry? Are you disillusioned with
the church? Throughout history, Christians have done considerable
damage to others. Each time this occurs, one of God's precious
creations is wounded. "When Bad Christians Happen to Good People"
by Dave Burchett is an exciting book about, where we have failed
each other and how to reverse the damage. Click here to check out
his book and his website:

Two for the price of one... Free Shipping in the U.S.... Larry's
latest book for a very special price. Click here for more

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

"A Miracle of Hope in the Midst of Strife" Larry Davies

It's been a rough few weeks. The Stock Market reports look more
like a roller coaster ride with violent ups and downs and even a
few brutal curves. Meanwhile our world economy acts much like
the kid sitting in the first seat of the coaster looking
nauseous. The violence in the Mid East continues. Local
newspapers feature more stories of lay-offs, accounting scandals
and corporate bankruptcies.

You could loudly complain to anyone who will still listen or bury
your head in the sand hoping no one will notice and simply pass
by. You could stay up all night watching the news and worry
yourself sick. But, as a minister, I learned that often in the
midst of strife God displays a miracle of... hope.

This week, I witnessed an example of how one miracle can remind
us God is still in control.

For two years, Berenice and family faithfully cared for her
mother, also named Berenice, after she was diagnosed with cancer
and a form of dementia similar to Alzheimer's disease. At first,
it was difficult but there were bright moments. Our church
organized a "Bridge" club so she could enjoy her favorite
pastime. Her moments of forgetfulness and mood swings were
endured as a phase of her disease.

Over the last twelve months, her mother's condition slowly
worsened. Even the "Bridge" outings had to be cancelled. As the
cancer spread, the dementia took its toll on everyone as
Bernice's mother became increasingly frustrated, suspicious and
moody. Often in this situation, mother becomes child: rebellious
and argumentative. Yet, throughout the whole ordeal, Berenice
continued to lovingly care for her. It wasn't easy. Occasionally,
Berenice would retreat to the church to pray, to think and to

Then, Berenice's mother had a stroke and was admitted to the
hospital. By this time, she no longer recognized anyone and her
occasional conversations could more accurately be described as
incoherent ramblings. But she was also waving her arms more and
at times even looked like she was holding an imaginary pen and
attempting to write something. Honestly, no one thought anything
of it.

An alert nurse noticed the gestures and suggested that Berenice
put a pen in her hand and place a sheet of paper underneath. "I
thought it was silly," Berenice told me later but reluctantly
followed the nurse's instructions. Berenice's mother paused for a
moment and then she began to slowly and deliberately write three
extraordinary words: "I love you." Four days later, she passed

In one special moment, Berenice's two year long struggle was made
worthwhile by a miracle of love. Berenice and her family will
always treasure that single piece of paper. What about you? Do
you need a miracle of hope within your roller coaster ride of
life? Look at the promises from God listed below:

... For the needy will not be forgotten forever; the hopes of the
poor will not always be crushed. (Psalm 9:18)

... In sudden fear I had cried out, I have been cut off from the
Lord! But you heard my cry for mercy and answered my call for
help. So be strong and take courage, all you who put your hope in
the Lord! (Psalm 31: 22, 24)

... O Lord, you alone are my hope. (Psalm 71:5)

... Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all the nations to
see! For the glory of the Lord is shining upon you. Darkness as
black as night will cover all the nations of the earth but the
glory of the Lord will shine over you. (Isaiah 60:1-2)

Wow! Four unique promises of hope:

1. You will not be forgotten... is God's promise you are never

2. Be strong and take courage... is God's plea to never give

3. God alone is our hope... reminds you to keep putting your
faith in God alone.

4. The glory of the Lord will shine over you... is the best
promise yet.

God's miracle of light will lead the way. I feel better
already. Don't you?

The stock market is still a roller coaster ride. The Mid-East is
too violent and I don't like what I've been reading in the
newspaper. But I do know that God is firmly in charge, making
sure I will never be forgotten, giving me strength, providing
hope and shining His light of love over me. Just ask Berenice.

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)


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