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Word for Today Weekend Words of Encouragement

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

To think that I come to God looking for instant answers is far
from reality. I sure appreciate quick answers, and every now and
then, my attitude, spirit, and God's will happen to coincide and
I see an affirmative answer to my prayers, and it's even the
answer that I've been seeking. But so often, I have to wait
patiently upon God. There are those times when I wait and wait,
there are those times where I get a clear "No" to the things I've
been seeking, and there are times of silence.

Do any of those situations indicate that God doesn't answer
prayer? Absolutely not! The world revolves around God, not
around me, not around you.

That said, I believe that God delights in hearing the prayers of
His people, and He rewards those who truly rely on Him with
wonderful answers and assurances. I can say that with complete
confidence, based on God's Word alone, because I believe it. But
I have also been granted a sufficient number of direct answers to
my prayers that I can believe based on what I have experienced,
as well on what I read and believe. I do not have to have every
single answer to believe that God is believable, and placing my
full trust in Him is something I can gladly do.

I want to remind you that I'm still looking for a permanent job,
and it hasn't been easy to say, "No matter what, I will trust in
You". Yet every time I get discouraged, God encourages me
through others. When I think of the men of faith... Abraham,
David, Paul, and the women of faith... Rahab, Ruth, Mary, and so
many others, and I look at my friends around me, my family, and
the circumstances I see, I know in my heart that the God who took
ordinary, flawed, people, loved them, and used them in powerful
ways, I know that same God lives and works within us, within me,
even today. So I send you this message to encourage you. I, for
one, will never lose sight of the God I know and deeply love.

Your Brother in Christ,

29 Sep 2002

Keep believing God!


Are you praying, yet nothing seems to be happening? Real faith
knows God's promises and stands on them regardless.

Listen: "Everyone that useth milk is unskilful in the Word"
(Hebrews 5:13). How skilful are you in the Scriptures? Have you
found the promises that deal with your particular situation? Are
you standing on them? When you pray, do you conclude that if you
don't feel something your prayers didn't work? If the
circumstances don't change immediately, do you say, "I guess God
isn't going to answer me?" Never speak words that contradict
God. Satan can't read your mind, but he can hear your words!

For more than 20 years Abraham kept repeating God's promise. Now,
when you're childless and a hundred years old, telling people
you're going to become the "father of nations" can raise a few
eyebrows! Circumstances mocked him. Reason defied him. Even his
wife laughed. But he believed the God Who, "calleth those things
which be not as though they were" (See Romans 4:17). This is not
mind-over- matter, or flaky theology, it's just doubting your
doubts and believing the God Who cannot lie!

When Jesus touched the blind man and asked him what he could see,
he replied, "I see men as trees, walking" (Mark 8:24). Did the
man give up? Did Jesus quit in discouragement? No. He laid hands
on him again, and this time he was completely healed.

Keep going back to the source. Some answers come quickly and some
slowly. Your fixed position must be -to keep believing God.

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and Christian organisations to copy up to a maximum of 52 daily
excerpts per year. Such excerpts must acknowledge: The Word for
Today as the source, give the UCB address and inform that free
issues of the daily devotional are available.


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Brian Masinick,
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