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{WOW} I survivied the Christian Musician Summit

Posted by: jdwxly <jdwxly@...>

What a weekend this has been! I'm still winding down from the First of what will be the Annual Christian Musician Summit. Nearly 600 people invaded Our Savior Lutheran Church in Puyallup for an amazing event. All day Friday (9am to 10pm) was devoted to worship, worship leading, being better lead worshippers and the tools and techniques involved. All day Saturday (9am to 10pm) was devoted to musicianship. Some of the most amazing and humble musicians I have ever met were here to teach and fellowship with us mere mortals.

Norm survived the ravages of stomach flu and a sore thorat to do his usual stellar job in the classroom and at the evening concerts. I got to meet several CBer whom I haven't met before: Erin (the ONLY woman bassist in the first class!), Kevin and Kelvin were the typical gracious and friendly CB types. Eric, Ken and Steve were their usual selves 🙂

Highlights for me:
-My first ever, official Bass Lesson from Norm. I now have a road map to follow. I just need to make the time available to follow it!

-Meeting Jami Smith and watching God use her as a worship leader. What a heart for worship and God's people! What a voice! I bought her CD's bases solely on her presentation earlier in the day, but I was blown away by her worship service on Friday night.

-Dave Lubben. Who the heck is Dave Lubben? Good question! I'd never heard of him before, either. He heard about the event, called the organizers and asked if he could come up and help in any way. They had him lead morning worship and he did an amazing job. He's a very mature leader for such a young man. Got his CD, too.

-After tonight's Phil Keaggy concert, I can't decide if I want a looper or if I should just burn my acoustic guitar right now. Not only is he an amazing guitarist and VERY accomplished effects driver, he is an absolute crack-up entertainer as well. He did a composed-on-the-fly song that lasted for about 10 minutes and had everyone's jaw on the floor. Amazing! Had to buy a couple more CD's...

Next year is already set for a bigger venue. Sounds like all of these artists will be back, and Paul Baloche has already signed on as well. If you can reserve some time in February next year, I would humbly suggest you plan to be here.

Dennis Weatherly
Wilsonville, OR USA