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You are in our prayers and I too have a prayer request

Posted by: jmanhood <jmanhood@...>

Thank you for sharing with us and I am so sorry to hear of your brother in
law's diagnosis of leukemia. My heart goes out to all of you at this time
and I will be glad to keep all these needs on my prayer list. Father is in
control and I have to remind myself of that everyday.
I also have a special request for prayers this week. There is a person that
goes to my church and his wife has falsely accused him in regard to his
daughter. The court meets this week (starts this morning) and his prayer is
that the family will be re-united and that this nightmare will end. Our
church supports him and believes him to be innocent of these charges. My
minister and the director of our counseling center have met with him many
times and his attorney to give him support and encouragement. He wants
desperately to have his family back together. He will not allow the
attorney to say anything that will hurt or damage his wife. Evidently she
has had some issues in her past as a child that might have triggered this.
He has not been able to see or call his children since this has started.
Please pray that Father will open everyone's eyes and know the truth and to
bring this family back together and heal them. thank you for your prayers
and may God bless you and Have a great week!

For God so loved the world, He gave his only son.............John 3:16