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Young Son

Posted by: root <root@...>

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Young Son

As the family gathered for a big dinner together, the youngest
son announced that he had just signed up at an army recruiter's

There were audible gasps around the table, then some laughter,
as his older brothers shared their disbelief that he could handle
this new situation. "Oh, come on, quit joking," snickered one.
"You didn't really do that, did you?"

"You would never get through basic training," scoffed another.

The new recruit looked to his mother for help, but she was just
gazing at him. When she finally spoke, she simply asked,
"Do you really plan to make your own bed every morning?"

Weight-lifting Training

Somewhat skeptical of his son's newfound determination to
become Charles Atlas, the father nevertheless followed the
teenager over to the weight-lifting department, admiring a
set of weights. "Please, Dad," pleaded the boy, "I promise
I'll use 'em every day."

"I don't know, Michael. It's really a commitment on your
part," the father pointed out.

"Please, Dad?" the boy continued.

"They're not cheap either," the father came back.

"I'll use 'em Dad, I promise. You'll see."

Finally won over, the father paid for the equipment and headed
for the door. From the corner of the store he heard his son
yelp, "What! You mean I have to carry them to the car?"
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