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Zero On Paper

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

*** Zero On Paper ***
A boy came home from school with a zero on his paper.

"Why did you get a zero?" his mother asked.

"That's not a zero!" the boy answered. "My teacher ran out of stars, so
she gave me the moon."


 *** Football Terminology for Churcg Goers ***

BLOCKING: Talking endlessly to the pastor at the church door and keeping everyone else from exiting.

DRAFT CHOICE: The decision to sit close to an air conditioning vent.

END ZONE: The pews.

EXTRA POINT: What you receive when you tell the preacher his sermon was too short.

ILLEGAL MOTION: Leaving before the benediction.

INTERFERENCE: Talking during the organ prelude.

TWO-MINUTE WARNING: The pastor's wife looking at her watch in full view of the pastor.

QUARTERBACK SNEAK: Sunday School teachers entering the building five minutes after classes began.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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