Vegetables | Canadian | Info/tips, Vegetables | 1 | Guide |
Classes of Corn: There are three different classes of sweet corn. Within each group are yellow, white and bicolour types. ~Normal sweet corn has the most tender kernels and a sugar content of 9-16 percent. ~Sugar-enhanced corn has a sugar content of 35 percent ~Supersweet corn has a sugar content of 45 percent; sugar converts slowly to starch, keeping kernels tender longer. Buying: ~ Choose corn cobs that have dark, stiff, moist silk and moist bright green husks that completely cover the ear. ~ Individual corn kernels should be mature enough to be felt through the husk. ~ Buy corn as fresh as possible. It's best if eaten immediately, but you can keep unhusked cobs in the refrigerator for up to three days. Cooking: Stove-top: ~ Just before cooking, husk cobs and pick off any silk that remains. ~ Place cobs in large pot of boiling water; return to boil and boil for 7-10 minutes or until colour has deepened. ~ Do not add salt to water ~ it will toughen the corn Microwave: ~ Just before cooking, husk cobs and pick off any silk that remains. ~ Place on paper towels in microwaveable dish. Cover and microwave at High until tender; 3-5 minutes for one cob; 5-7 minutes for two cobs; 8-10 minutes for four cobs. Let stand for 2 minutes before eating. ~ Alternative: Peel husks down to base and remove silk. Sprinkle with desired spice/herbs. Close husks around ear and microwave as above. Barbecue: ~ Peel back husks partway and remove silk. Close husks, secure with string at top and soak in cold water for 20 minutes. ~ Place on grill over medium-high heat; close cover and cook, turning frequently, for about 20 minutes or until husks are charred and corn is deep yellow. Freezing: ~ In large pot of boiling water, cook husked cobs for four minutes or until colour has deepened. Drain and plunge into cold water; drain well. Cut kernels from cob and pack in freezer bags; store in freezer for up to one year. ~ To serve, cook kernels for about half of the usual time or until heated through. Source: Canadian Living magazine Sep 94 From Canadian Living Test Kitchen Presented in article " Straight From The Cob" [-=PAM=-]
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