You are currently viewing Guide to Effective Bible Study


Conformity to Christ is a life long process which is
completed only when you pass into God's presence.

Bible study is a vital part of this process.
If you will:

Study God's Word faithfully

Pray for understanding

diligently apply Scriptures to your experience and daily walk

Your life will change and increasingly glorify God!

God's Word is able to satisfy the spiritually dry and thirsty.

  1. You must study the Bible to draw out its truths.

  2. You must personally apply these truths to your life.


1. Must be systematic and consistent

R. A. Torrey "Have some good system of Bible study
and follow it. System counts in everything, but it
counts more in study than in anything else, and it
counts more in Bible study than in any other form
of study."

2. Must be original investigation in the Bible itself.

go to the source itself

compare Scripture with Scripture

do not depend on what others have said about the Word

3. There must be a written reproduction of your findings.

"If you want to master the truths of Scripture, write
them down in your own words."

Dawson Trotman,Navigators

4. Must be personally applied to dally living

Scriptures are the means by which the Holy Spirit
changes our lives, but in this ministry. He needs our

5- Must be "Pass-on-able"

Teaching someone else how to study the Bible for
himself is far better than sharing what you have

received from your own study although this is



Personal Preparation for Bible study

The Bible can only be understood fully with the aid. of
the Holy Spirit.

1. A Cleansed Life – Confession

Refusing to deal with sin in your life breaks fellowship
with God.

Before beginning your Bible study stop and confess to
God any known sin.

2. Prayer for Illumination
Psalm 119:12, 18, 27, 35

teach me your decrees

open my eyes that I may see

let me understand the teaching of your precepts

then I will meditate

direct me in the paths of Your commands

3. Dependence- on the Holy Spirit

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not
on your own understanding"

Proverbs 3:5

John 14:26
I Corinthians 2:12

4. Willingness to obey

The one who is willing to obey will receive God's

John 7:17 willingness to obey the truth


Act of seeing

Taking notice of things as they really are

The art of awareness

Root Attitudes

An open mind

A willing Spirit

This is necessary because whenever you guard
an area of your life, you hinder understanding.


Accurate observation is result of reading with

  1. dilligence
  2. purposefulness
  3. thoughtfulness
  4. inquiry

Reading until the Word jogs the mind and heart requires
quality time.


Define important words and phrases.


Who        Who are the people Involved?

What       What happened? What ideas are expressed?

Where Where does this take place?
What is the setting?

When      When did it take place?

               What was the historical period?

Why did it happen?

What is the purpose?

How        How are things accomplished?
               How effectively?
               By what method?


Seeks to clarify the meaning of a passage and help you
understand why the Holy Spirit included this portion in

One aspect of Interpretation is correlation – the process
of relating the passage under consideration to the rest of
the chapter, the whole book and other portions of Scripture.



Putting God's Word into practice in your life – recognizing
in the Scriptures their personal message to you and
responding accordingly.

The benefit is in obeying the voice of the Lord –
receiving what He says and putting it into practice.

Application is by intent!

Application begins with the willing acceptance of truth.

The right response to Scripture is characterized by:

Respond to God, not a rule book !

Our goal is to glorify God by pleasing Him in every area of

SPECK can help you apply the Word to your life !
S Is there SIN for me to avoid?
P Is there a PROMISE from God for me to claim?
E Is there an EXAMPLE for me to follow?
C Is there a COMMAND for me to obey?
K How can this passage increase my KNOWLEDGE about
God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit?

ABC Study

A. A title

Should fit the chapter – brief one or two words
Clearly identifies the passage's content

B Best verse of basic passage
Includes central message
Key to contents of the passage

C Challenge

Ask God to challenge your heart in a personal way
from some portion of what you are studying.

Your purpose now is to accept this challenge and
its truth in a definite way in your life.

State in your own words the truth of the verse,
Tell how this challenge applies to you

     a. What needs it reveals in your life.

b. What shortcomings – transgressions or
neglects it Indicates.

c. What new appreciation or understanding it
opens up.

Use "I", "me", "my", "Mine" in your writing, this
challenge is personal.

THEN: State clearly what you plan to do about it.

  1. What specific action you will take to correct
    weakness. –

  2. To build the needed quality into your life

  3. To increase your understanding of this truth

Choose something practical you can do in a week

(a short period) not a long term project.
REMEMBER to depend on the Holy Spirit who enable us
to grow in our Christian life.

D. Difficulties

Does it speak of anything you could not explain
to another person

Write down verse or passage and the question or
problem it raises in your mind – state the
specific difficulty it presents to you.

E. Essence

Summarize or outline passage

Record only what the passage says not what it

    A brief condensation in summary

Divide passage – put a title or heading to
each section Outline




KEY WORDS When you first read a passage, look for
the key words, those words which you think
are important in the passage.
Repetition of words will sometimes give
you a clue. Underline them in your Bible.

Be on the alert for the admonitions
which a writer gives: the advice, the
exhortations, the warnings, the things
which he tells you to do.

Also note the promises and the encourage-
ments. One clue is to look for imperative

When you observe admonitions, see if
the writer gives you some reasons for
his advice. Or note if he sets forth
a cause-effect relationship – if you do
this, then this will happen. Often with
a warning, he will give possible results.




Make a special note of the way a writer
uses contrasts, comparisons, illustrations
to bring out his ideas. Comparison is
the association of things that are similar.
Contrast is the association of things that
are opposite, often introduced with "but".

Be on the alert for repetition of words,
ideas, statements. This will often give
you a clue as to the author's purpose in
a passage.

Take special note of lists of Items or
ideas. Compare the items and see if
there is any significance in the order.
Do ideas progress toward a climax?



Connectives are very Important in revealing
key ideas and relationships. Be on the
alert for some of the following:

but – introduces a contrast
if – Introduces conditional clause
for, because, therefore – introduce reason, and results

in, into, with – important connectives
in order that – sets forth a purpose







The term "grammar" do doubt frightens
you, but even so, it is important to
note the grammatical construction of
some statements. Be on the alert for
the verbs and their tenses – for the
use of pronouns – for the use of adverbs
and adjectives and the way they describe
ATMOSPHERE Note the general tone of a passage. It
may be characterized by the mood of Joy,
thanksgiving, concern, humility, zeal,
anger, caution. The tone of a passage
may vary as a writer moves from one idea
to another. The mood of a writer is
often revealed by the way he addresses
his readers.
Also note the use he makes of emphatic
statements, words and phrases to reveal
his feelings.
LITERARY FORM Always note the literary form of a
passage – discourse, narrative, poetic,
dramatic, parabolic, apocalyptic.
GENERAL STRUCTURE Note the arrangement of the ideas in a
passage, the relationship of verses to
each other. Sometimes the author makes
a general statement, then explains it
with examples. Other times he may list
a series of ideas and then summarize
with a general statement.