Guide to Bible Reading

Scripture Union Guide to Bible Reading


FIND A SUITABLE TIME AND PLACE each day to be alone with God. It probably won’t be easy, but the effort will be worthwhile.

Although not essential, you will find it helpful to use the same place at the same time each day. That way your sub-conscious mind is already prepared.

SETTLE YOURSELF DOWN QUICKLY Relax. However busy your life, this is one part of the day when you won’t hurry, for there is nothing more important that you have to do than set aside time to be with God.

Rushing in and out of God’s presence wastes that time and leaves you feeling cheated and dissatisfied.

Although kneeling is the most common posture mentioned in the Bible, standing and even sitting are also mentioned. Do whatever encourages you in an attitude of reverence. A sloppy posture will encourage a sloppy approach to God.

EXPECT TO MEET GOD Quite deliberately, and in spite of all the thousand and one things clamouring for your attention, set your mind on him. If you
are anxious or preoccupied, tell him.

He wants you to share such things with him.

TAKE TIME TO BE QUIET AND TO LISTEN for what God may want to say to you.

It may be that he has a special promise, a warning, a rebuke; or he may have some piece of service for you to do, some person who specially needs your prayers. Don’t be so busy talking to him that you don’t hear him talking to you.

KEEP A SMALL NOTEBOOK to jot down things to remember – a verse maybe, a query, a situation that needs prayer. Or if you don’t want to use a notebook, at least keep a pencil handy so that you can jot things down in the margin of the notes.

BE FLEXIBLE Some days you may get through the notes quickly. Other days you may want to spend more time on a particular part, so that you are not able to finish in the time you have available.

No need to feel guilty. The notes are not an end in themselves, but a means to the end that you may meet with God through his word.

IN CONCLUSION, LOOK BACK over the reading and ask yourself what particular
thing you can take with you for the rest of the day. Make sure that you have not missed a promise, a word of encouragement, a challenge to which you should respond. Be free to add your own prayers for your personal needs and for other people.