Heart Attack And Stroke

  • HEART ATTACK AND STROKE ===================

Heart Attack

Only a physician can tell if someone has had a heart attack. However, some or all of the following symptoms are usually present:

  • severe chest pain that sometimes spreads to the left arm and often lasts for hours
  • sweating
  • sudden, intense shortness of breath
  • loss of consciousness
  • nausea and vomiting

What To Do:

  1. If you think someone has had a heart attack, call an ambulance at once.
  2. Get him or her in a comfortable position. (Breathing is sometimes more difficult in a lying-down position.)
  3. Try to remain calm to reassure the victim.
  4. Loosen tight clothing, and cover him with a single blanket to maintain body heat.
  5. Stay with him until help arrives.
  6. If the victim stops breathing, give artificial respiration (see CPR).


Be aware of these symptoms of stroke:

  • loss of consciousness
  • unintelligible speech; it may be difficult for you to know if the victim understands you.
  • difficulty in breathing
  • paralysis
  • facial distortions and redness
  • a severe headache or dizzy spell
  • drooling
  • vomiting or nausea
  • convulsions

What To Do:

  1. If you suspect a stroke, call an ambulance immediately.
  2. Keep the victim down flat, or with the head slightly raised.
  3. Loosen tight clothing.
  4. Cover him with a single blanket.
  5. Do not try to take the victim to the hospital yourself unless no other transportation if available.
  6. NEVER give the victim anything to drink.
  7. Try to give all details of a possible stroke to medical personnel.