

BASIC R.C. BELIEF A formal denial or doubt by any baptized person of any revealed truth of the Roman Catholic faith. Heretics are automatically ex-communicated. All distinctively Protestant teachings are heresies.

From BRIEF AND SIMPLE EXPLANATION OF THE CATHOLIC CATECHISM, R.P. Angel Maria de Arcos, S.J., “The moment any man publiucly professes heresy, and attempts to pervert others by word or example, he cannot only, absolutely speaking, be excommunicated but even justly slain, lest by his pestilent contagion the ruin very many others.”

POST VATICAN II With the new ecumenical friendliness, Roman Catholics now refer to Protestants as separated brethren, not heretics. Dr. David DuPleiss termed this “a wonderful act of forgiveness by the Holy Father” (Candlestick Park, San Francisco, CA, June 2, 1979).