Holy Cummunion


BASIC R.C. BELIEF One of the seven sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church. It is a partaking of Jesus in the form of a Host at Mass or Holy Viaticum.

Roman Catholics must taken communion at least once a year.

At the consecration during Mass, the Host becomes Jesus Christ. After the sacrifice is completed (when the priest consumes the wafer), the faithful are urged to receive Holy Communion. From about 600 to 1977, the Host was placed on the tongue by the priest. It is now permissible to receive Holy Communion in the hand.

Most of the time, the people receive only the wafer; however, receiving communion in both kinds (bread and wine) is increasing in progressive Roman Catholic circles.


When administering Communion, Pope John Paul II has been seen to refuse to give it into the hand of a communicant and then to place it on the tongue.