Hymns named C...Part 1 of 4
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Cozumel(William James Kirkpatrick, 1893)
Cova da Iria(John Robson Sweney, 1878)
Covenant(Daniel Brink Towner (1850-1919))
Covered by the Blood(Nellie Edwards, 20th Century)
Covington (Doane) 66.64.88
Covenant(John Stainer (1840-1901))
Coventry (Mason)(Arranged by Lowell Mason, 1841)
Coventry (Root)(George Frederick Root (1820-1895))
Covent Garden(James J. Bell, 1917)
Cover with His Life(Franklin Edson Belden (1858-1945))
Coventry Carol(Renaissance carol)
Coventry(W. Dorrell, 1853)
Cooling(Alonzo Judson Abbey (1825-1887))
Cooling Streams(TBD)
O Child of God(Ira David Sankey)
Keep in the Line(William James Kirkpatrick)
Commonwealth(Josiah Booth)
Comign King of Kings(Flora H. Cassell)
Commandments (Geneva)(Genevan Psalter, 1562)
Commit Thy Way(Harriet P. Grove)
Communion(Samuel Sebastian Wesley)
Commendatio(John Bacchus Dykes, 1868)
Communio(C. Bucknall)
Commandments(Louis Bourgeois, 1543)
Coming to the Garden(William A. Post)
coming_yes_were_coming(William Howard Doane)
Coming to the Savior's Cross(John Henry Kurzenknabe)
Coming Home(Alfred Henry Ackley, 1917)
Coming Home (Dimmitt)
Coming Again(Albert Simpson Reitz, 1915)
The Coming of the Lord(James Ramsey Murray, 1894)
Coming King of Kings(Flora H. Cassell)
Coming, Coming(J. Wakefield McGill)
Coming to Jesus(John Robson Sweney, arr.)
The Coming of His Feet(S. Whitney Allen, 1914)
Coming Home Tonight(Peter Philip Bilhorn)
Out on the Desert(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1889)
Coming By and By(Robert Lowry)
The Coming of the Lord Draweth Nigh(David Elijah Dortch)
Coming up the Road(Thoro Harris, 1919)
Coming Again(Alfred Elisha Helton)
Coming Home to Thee(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1901)
The Coming of the Lord(J. A. Wallace)
Coming by the Promise Way(E. L. Ozendorff)
The Coming of the King(Daniel Brink Towner)
The Coming Judgment Day(E. G. Blackmon)
Coming for Me(Thoro Harris, 1920)
Compassion(G. W. Turner, before 1913)
Companionship with Jesus(William James Kirkpatrick)
Compton(Old English melody)
Compassio(Cedric Bucknall, 1889)
Complete in Thee(Talmage John Bittikofer, 1921)
Comrades of the Cross(Isaac Hickman Meredith)
Comfort(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932))
Comforter Divine(Samuel Reay (1822-1905))
The Comforter Has Come(William James Kirkpatrick)
Comfort (Nickens)(J. T. Nickens, 1910)
Comfort (Psalter)(English Melody)
Comfort (Toronto)(Anonymous, before 1895)
Comfort(Scott Werdebaugh, 1991)
Come Unto Me(George Coles Stebbins (1846-1945))
Come Believing!(Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901))
Come to the Fountain(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
Come(George Ratcliffe Woodward, 1902)
Come Sing(T. L. Forbes)
Come(Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876))
Come Unto Me(Charles Price Jones (1865-1959))
Come Close to the Savior(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1890)
Come(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
Come, Sinner(W. E. Witter)
Come(George A. Burdett)
Come Home(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1895)
Come Children(Rev. Frank Sewall)
Come In and Abide(Arranged by I. S. Field)
Come to Me(J. Houston Smith)
Come Over and Help Us(A. F. Myers, 1897)
come_to_me_o_blessed_Spirit(Annie M. Potter)
Come, Great Deliverer(William Howard Doane)
Come to Him Now(Henry Lake Gilmour)
Come unto Me(Edmund Simon Lorenz)
Come(Mrs. James G. Johnson)
Come In(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1890)
Come, Children(Maude Gilchrist Sewall (1872-?), circa 1910)
Come unto Me (Dykes)(John Bacchus Dykes, 1875)
Come Home(William W. Vansant)
Come, Come(Adapted J. T. White, Sacred Harp, 1844)
Come to the Manger(Samuel Smith (1821-1917))
Come unto Me(Nathaniel Norton, 1887)
Come to Jesus! Come Away
Come! Tune Your Heart(Christian Gellert, trans. by Frances Cox, 1841)
Come Again(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1867)
Come(J. D. Vinton)
Come, Lord(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1885)
Come Faithful People(C. Bicknell (1842-1918))
Come unto Me(Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901))
Come and Dine(Charles Brenton Widmeyer, 1907)
Come to the Feast(William Augustine Ogden)
Come(John Thomas Rees)
Come This Way(Winfield Scott Weeden)
Come to the Manger(Traditonal Tune)
Come to Him Now(Charles F. Green)
Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace(John Robson Sweney (1837-1899))
Come unto Me(Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (1851-1920))
Come with Rejoicing(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1882)
Come and See(Carey Bonner (1859-1938))
Come to Jesus(Eden Reeder Latta)
Come Ye Lofty(Traditional)
Come, Lord Jesus(Scott Werdebaugh)
Come(William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921))
Come, Oh(James Ramsey Murray)
Come Near Me(G. G. Lloyd)
Come, Oh(Lizzie Akers, 1902)
Come with the Wise Men(Burton H. Winslow, 1903)
Come Over on the Sunny Side(A. A. Baldwin)
Come, Prodigal(Ira David Sankey)
Come(Edward S. Fogg)
Come unto Me(George Orbin, 1899)
Come(James Conner Bateman, 1881)
Come to the Place of Prayer(The Sacred Lyre)
Come to Him Now(Hilda B. Tovey)
Coimbatore(Partly by Zimri Mullen Parvin, 1875)
Coimbra(Daniel Brink Towner, 1893)
Cobb(Gerard Francis Cobb (1838-1904))
Cockfosters(William Fiske Sherwin, 1878)
Cochran(Uzziah Christopher Burnap (1834-1900))
Copenhagen(Peter Christian Lutkin)
Copenhagen(Peter Christian Lutkin, 1905)
Copacabana(C. M. Ward, 1896)
Copeland(Karl Pomery Harrington (1861-1953))
Cowper(Lowell Mason (1792-1872))
Cow Hollow
Cowboy's Carnival(Walter L. Rose)
Costa Mesa(Josiah Booth, 1809)
Corbet(George Alexander Macfarren (1813-1887))
Coronae(William Henry Monk, 1871)
Coronado(Franklin Edson Belden, 1896)
Corydon(Lowell Mason, 1841)
Cordis Donum(Clausener Gesangbuch, 1653)
Corpus Domini(G. E. W. Malet, before 1907)
Cordova(Hubert Platt Main, 1890)
Corbet(William Mason, 1864)
Córdoba(William Batchelder Bradbury, 1864)
Coronation Day(W. A. Post)
Corbet(George Alexander Macfarren (1813-1887))
Coruña(James H. Burke, 1891)
Corwin(J. W. Lerman (1864-?))
Coronation(Oliver Holden, 1793)
Coronation(Oliver Holden, 1793)
Cornwall(Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872)
Cornell(John Henry Cornell (1828-1894))
Conisborough(Wilfrid Sanderson, 1919)
Concord(George Coles Stebbins, 1877)
The Judgment Day(George Crawford Hugg)
Conchita(Ira Bishop WIlson, 1909)
Conway(English Tune)
Congleton(Attributed to M. Wise (ca. 1648-1687))
Congo(James Henry Fillmore, Sr., 1877)
Consolation (Mendelssohn)(Arranged from Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847))
Consolation (Cramer)(Francis Cramer, 1879)
Constance (Gauntlett)(Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876))
Consolation (Ulster)(Folk Hymn)
Constantly Abiding(Anne S. Murphy, 1908)
Consolation (Lindemann)(Ludvig Mattias Lindeman, 1871)
Constance (Sullivan)(Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1875)
Consecration(Charles Vincent (1852-?))
Consecration (Aldrich)(Jonathan Aldrich, 1858)
Consolator(Samuel Webbe, Sr., 1792)
The Conqueror's Tread(R. E. McNeill)
Conquest(John Frederick Bridge (1844-1924))
The Conqueror(S. C. Kirk, 1906)
Conqueror(John S. Wiseman, 1885)
Conquering Now and Still to Conquer(John Robson Sweney, (1837-1899))
Condescension(A Compilation of Genuine Church Music, 1832)
Conditor Alme
Contemplation(Frederic Arthur Gore-Ouseley (1825-89)))
Contemplation (Harmonia)(From Harmonia Sacra, by Joseph Funk (1778-1862))
Contrition(William Henry Oakley (1809-1881))
Confidence (Ouseley)(Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889))
Confidence(William Youens, before 1913)
The Conflict of the Ages(Leila Naylor Morris, 1912)
Confidence (Merrill)(William Pierson Merrill, 1895)
Confidence (Rodeheaver)(Homer Alvan Rodeheaver, ca. 1911)
Conformity(A Compilation of Genuine Church Music, 1832)
Confidence (Harmonia)(Harmonia Sacra)
Confidence (Chamberlain)(G. B. Chamberlain, 1870)
Confidence (Moore)(Arranged from W. Moore)
cote_divoire(John Robson Sweney, 1885)
Cottman(Arthur Cottman (1842-1879))
Coachella(William Cassell, 1884)
Coena Domini(Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900))
Coelites Plaudant(Rouen church melody)
Count It All Joy(William Edie Marks)
Count Me(William Charles Poole, 1916)
Count Your Blessings(Edwin Othello Excell)
Countless Blessings(Lelia Naylor Morris, 1908)
Courage(Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1871)
Court Square(Chase, 1842)
Could I Tell It(Peter Philip Bilhorn)
Countless Mercies(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel)
Counted In(John Marchant Whyte)
College Station
Colmar(Michael Gasteritz)
List the Music Pealing(Hubert Platt Main, 1882)
Colombo(Theodore Strong, 1920)
The Half Has Never Been Told(Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879))
Coleraine(Melody from ,La Scala Santa,' 1681)
Colo(Thomas Olivers (1725-1799))
Colorado(Lindsay Bartholomew Longacre, 1911)
Colombia(Daniel Brink Towner, 1899)
College Park(M. A. Rublee, 1879)
Colby(William Howard Doane, 1876)
Colomiers(Daniel Brink Towner, 1891)
Colima(William Fiske Sherwin, 181)
Colonel Hill(Scott Wederbaugh, 2017)
Coloma(Daniel Brink Towner, 1899)
Colporteur(Ernest Orlando Sellers, 1907)
Columbus(John E. Gaul, ca. 1902)
Cooling Streams(TBD)
Colchester(Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872)
Colchester (Williams)(Aaron Williams (1731-1776))
Columbia Heights(Adam Geibel, 1879)
Colwyn Bay(Thomas Joseph Linekar (1858-?))
Colyton(William Henry Monk, 1881)
College(F. K. March, 1905)
Church of Christ( William Howard Doane)
Civitas Dei(Alfred James Caldicott (1842-1897))
Cicero(Cornelius S. Meily, 1878)
Cidenton(I. Allan Sankey, 1907)
Opening Hymn(Tullius Clinton O'Kane)
The City Beyond(William James Kirkpatrick)
City of Light(Arthur Vennell Coster (1864-1931))
City of the Blest(William. J. Holtzclaw)