Hymns named K...
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Kommet Ihr Hirten(Bohemian Folk Song)
komm_Gott_schopfer(Based on Veni Creator, Spiritus, ca. 600)
Kommt Her zu Mir(German melody, ca. 1400)
Komm, Seele(Melody by J. Wl Franck, circa 1681)
Komm, Heiliger Geist(15th Century melody)
Komm, o komm, du Geist(Johann Christoph Bach,1680)
Kobe(James Ramsey Murray, 1889)
Kowloon(Edward Handley (1842-1904))
Kosovo(William F. Gibson, 1891)
Korea(Korean Carol)
Konya(S. D. Goodale, probably before 1920)
konigsberg(Phoebe Palmer Knapp, 1892)
Spend One Hour with Jesus(Edwin Othello Excell)
Kolding(Peter Christian Lutkin (1858-1931))
Köln(William Batchelder Bradbury, 1864)
Kimball(Lowell Mason, 1837)
Kigali(Joseph Garrison)
Kissimmee(Henry Lake Gilmour, 1885)
Kiribati(W. Ross McMeans, 1922)
Kirby Bedon(Edward Burnett, 1887)
Built on the Rock( Ludvig M. Lindeman (1812-1887))
Kirkland(George Crawford Hugg, 1898)
Kirkbraddan(E. C. Walker)
Kirk Ella(Henry Ernest Nichol (1862-1926))
Kirn(John P. Taylor (1871-1936))
Kirkpatrick(William James Kirkpatrick, 1887)
Kirkwood(William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868))
King's Norton(Jeremiah Clarke (1659-1707))
Kind Words Can Never Die(Abby Hutchinson Patton (1829-1892))
The King's Highway(John Robson Sweney, 1881)
Kingsfold(Ralph Vaughn Williams, 1906)
Kingman Park(J. P. Vance, 1893)
King City(Thomas Benjamin Mosley, 1899)
King of Zion(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1879)
The Kingdom over Yonder(James Henry Fillmore, Sr.)
King's Lynn(English melody, arr. by R. V. Williams, 1906)
Kingdom of Song(Thomas Miles Bowdish, 1900)
King Edward(Edwin Augustus Sydenham, 1883)
King of Kings(Based on Psalm 136.)
KIngs of the Orient(Marian Froelich, 1885)
King of Kings(George Clement Martin (1844-1916))
The Kindly Light Is Leading(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel)
Kingsbridge(A Compilation of Genuine Church Music, 1832)
Kington(F. Llewellyn Edwards)
Kinross(George Coles Stebbins, 1901)
King's Langley(English Traditinal May-Day Carol.)
Kingley Vale(Hugh Percy Allen (1869-1946))
King's College(D. F. Klick, 1893)
King Alfred(Alfred Edward Redhead, 1916)
The King's Business(E. Taylor Cassell, 1902)
The King Is Coming in Glory(Mrs. F. W. Suffield)
Kingo(Anonymous (Hamburg, Germany: 1690))
The King Is Coming!(Ira David Sankey)
The King of Glory(Haldor Lillenas)
Kinsman(James McGrahanan (1840-1907), alt.)
Kitchener(Robert Lowry, 1873)
Kiawah(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1909)
Kiev(Robert Lowry, 1873)
Kilmarnock(Neil Dougall, 1831)
Kilmorey(John Ambrose Lloyd (1840-1914))
Kyoto(Anonymous, 1881)
Kyrie(Arranged from Wolfgang A. Mozart (1756-1791))
(Solomon W. Straub, 1893)
Kraków(Arthur Henry Brown, 1898)
Kramarik(Tullius Clinton O'Kane, 1890)
Kremser(16th Century Dutch melody)
Krewson(Ronald Alan Matthews, 1985)
Kremser(16th Century Dutch melody)
Knox(James C. Knox, 1907)
The Knock of the Nail-Pierded Hand(John Robson Sweney)
Knob Lick(Daniel Brink Towner, 1919)
Knocking, Knocking(Harriet Beecher Stowe (1812-1896))
Knowhead(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, (1856-1932))
Knightsbridge(J. Baden Powell, 1885)
Knighton(William Henry Monk (1823-1889))
Knightswood(F. H. Hutchins)
Kjellman(Gerda Kjellman)
Nailed to the Cross(Grant Colfax Tullar)
Kaibab(O. W. Schaeffer, 1885)
Kairos(Henry Tucker, 1863)
Kabul(Hubert Platt Main, 1884)
Kayseri(Darius Eliot Jones, 1850)
Kawaiaha,o(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1911)
Kawasaki(Ira David Sankey, 1887)
Kashmir(Arranged from Livesey Carrott, 1893)
Karlsruhe(Augsburg Songs, 1885)
Karnataka(P. W. Bush, 1898)
More Than These(Bentley DeForest Ackley)
Kane(Lowell Mason, harm. by Henry Dibdin (1813-1866))
Kano(Knowles Shaw, 1877)
Kansas City(William James Kirkpatrick, 1893)
Kathmandu(Ira David Sankey, 1902)
Kateglidden(Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894))
Kathrine(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932))
Katowice(E. L. Woslagel, 1916, alt.)
Kaunas(Charles Crozat Converse, 1886)
Kalimantan(Frank Marion Davis, 1878)
Kalmar(Swedish melody, 1676)
Kalorama(Edmund Sykes Laqmplough (1860-1940))
Keighley(T. H. Williams, 1889)
keine_schonheit_hat_die_welt(Johann Scheffler, 1657)
Keble(John Bacchus Dykes, 1875)
Keck(Ronald Alan Matthews, 1985)
Unto Us a Child Is Born(Harry Sanders, 1887)
Key West(Elizabeth Manford Clark, 1879)
Kept for Jesus(Edith Gilling Cherry, 1905)
Kensington New(James Tilleard, 1866)
Kensal Green(Philip Paul Bliss, 1874)
Kentucky(Jeremiah Ingalls (1764-1828))
Kenosis(Philip P. Bliss, 1873)
Kent(Samuel Stanley, ca. 1800)
Kenilworth(Francis Everard William Hulton, 1875)
Kew Gardens(Byron Burditt, 1906)
Kedron (Harmonia)(Attributed to Elkanah Kelsay Dare (1782-1826))
Kedron (Spratt)(Ann Baird Spratt, 1866)
Kerala(Joe Uthup, 2015)
Kensington(William Daylrymple MacLagan (1826-1910))
Kensington New(James Tilleard, 1866)
Kensal Green(Philip Paul Bliss, 1874)
Kentucky(Jeremiah Ingalls (1764-1828))
Kenosis(Philip Paul Bliss, 1873)
Kent(Samuel Stanley, ca. 1800)
Kenilworth(Francis Everard William Hulton, 1875)
Sweet Assurance(John Robson Sweney)
Kendal Green(Charles Edward Pollock, 1891)
Kettlebell(Alfred Edward Redhead (1855-1937))
Keep on Watching(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1901)
Keep on Praying(Joseph B. Sturdevant)
Keep Your Colors Flying(Jeremiah Eames Rankin, 1886)
Keep Me Under the Blood(Lelia Naylor Morris)
Keep On Singing(Agnes C. Ellingwood, 1915)
Keep Thou Me(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
Keep Me Wholly Thine(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1906)
Keep Me Thine(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1895)
Keep Telling It(William Edie Marks, 1921)
Keep on Praying(Frederick William Vandersloot)
Keep on the Sunny Side of Life(J. Howard Entwisle)
Keep a Light in the Window(William B. Evans, 1894)
Keep Thy Heart(Robert Drew Atherly, 1900)
Keep Your Heart Singing(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel)
Keep Close to Jesus(John Lane, 1892)
Keepers(Walter M. Keepers, 1903)
Keep the Banner Flying(Richard Osborne, 1887)
Keep Thou My Way(Theodore E. Perkins, 1894)
Keep Me Ever Close to Thee(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1880)
Keep Me at the Foot of the Cross(H. R. Turbyfill, 1894)
Keep on Praying (Smith)(Joseph Lincoln Hall)
Keep on the Firing Line(Bessie F. Simmins Hatcher)
Kelveden(William Blow, Jr., 1867)
Kelvin(Sabbath Hymn and Tune Book, 1859)
Kelbrook(J. Riley)
Kum ba Yah(African melody)
Kücken(Friedrich Wilhelm Kücken (1810-1882))
Kuala Lumpur(T. Frank Allen, 1884)
Klamath(Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847))
Klein(Arranged from Klein, 1884)