Hymns named R...Part 2 of 2
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Raphael (Oratory)
Radiant Morn (88.84)(Charles F. Gounod (1818-1893))
Bradford (Wesley)(Samuel Sebasian Wesley (1810-1876))
Radujte Se Narodi
Radiance(Probably Horace Lorenzo Hastings, 1881)
Rangoon(C. Wood, 1904)
Randolph(Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906)
Ratisbon(Johann Gottlob Werner, 1815)
Rathbun(Ithamar Conkey, 1849)
Rajasthan(James Henry Fillmore, Sr., 1893)
Rally for the Right(Oscar Williams)
Raleigh (Gilbert)(Walter Bond Gilbert)
Raleigh(William James Kirkpatrick, 1915)
Rakestraw(Cuthbert Howard, before 1913)
Rakem(Isaac Baker Woodbury (1819-1858))
Reviving Light(Harmonia Sacra, 19th Century)
Revive Us Again(John J. Husband (1760-1825))
Revive Us(Gilbert Dobbs)
Revival(William Howard Doane (1832-1915))
Reva Falls(Henry Elliott Button, 1893)
Reo(Lowell Mason, 1841)
Rex Maximus(Johann G. Hille, 1739)
Rex Gloriae(Henry Thomas Smart (1813-1879))
Rex Regum(John Stainer (1840-1901))
Rex Terrarum(Thomas Frederick Dunhill, 1903)
Rex Gloriose Martyrum(TBD)
Rex Gloriose(French church melody)
Remsberg(W. L. Remsberg, 1888)
Remsen(Joseph Perry Holbrook, 1862)
Remembered No More(Frank Marion Davis)
Remember Your Mother's Prayer(Judson Wheeler Van DeVenter, 1894)
Remember the Poor(Traditional Irish melody)
Reichelsheim(E. H. Swinstead)
Rebecca(John M. Shenk (1848-1935))
Recife(E. B. Smith, 1880)
Records(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel)
Rector Potens(Frank Sewall, 1910)
Recessional(John Stainer, 1873)
Reynoldstone(Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910))
Repentance(Theodore E. Perkins (1831-1912))
Repent Ye(James McGranahan)
Repent! 'Tis the Voice of Jesus(Alfred Henry Ackley, 1910)
Repose(Harmonia Sacra, 5th edition, 1851)
Repose (Holmes)(Henry James Ernest Holmes, ca. 1902)
Repose (Blackmer)(Francis Augustus Blackmer, 1915)
Republic(William Pierson Merrill, 1912)
Repton(Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, 1888)
Repeat the Sweet Story(Pearl Johnson Sprague)
Rehoboth(Henry Vander Werp, 1911)
The Regions Beyond(Albert Benjamin Simpson, 1904)
Regnant(Arr. from Handel by A. J. Foxwell ca. 1902)
Regent Square(Henry Thomas Smart, 1867)
Rest in the Arms of My Savior(John Wesley Dennis)
Resignation(Adam Geibel)
Rest By and By(John Robson Sweney)
Rest at Home(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868)
The Resurrection(C. R. Street)
Resurrection (Gould)(John Edgar Gould (1822-1875))
Resurrection(Alice Nevin (1837-1925))
Resting in You(Ed Beaty and Leonard E. Smith, Jr,)
Rest If You Will(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1897)
The Resurrection Morning(Haldor Lillenas)
c(Wililam Owen Jones, 1917)
Rest (Beecher)(Charles Beecher, 1855)
Resting Place(Henry Vander Werp, 1911)
Restoration(Southern Harmony, William Walker, 1835)
Rest for the Weary(William Hunter)
Rest(Frederick C. Maker, 1887)
Resurrection Morn So Fair(Grant Colfax Tular, 1905)
Resurgenti Nazareno(Bohemian melody, 1505)
Resignation (Cross)(Moses Smith Cross (1854-1911))
Rest (Stainer)(John Stainer, 1875)
Rescue the Perishing(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1869)
Rest in Jesus(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868)
Rest By and By(John Robson Sweney)
The Resurrection Day(James Henry Fillmore, Sr.)
Resonet in Laudibus(14th Century German carol melody)
Rest I Will Give You(George Coles Stebbins)
Rest (Bradbury)(William Batchelder Bradbury, 1843)
Resting in God's Peace(James Milton Black)
Resurrexit(Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900))
Requiem(Wilhelm August Ferdinand Schulthes, 1868)
Request(A. M. Lloyd, early 20th Century)
Requies(F. Hastie)
Requiescat(John Bacchus Dykes, 1875)
Redeemers_song(Arr. by Robert F. Beveridge (1866-1952))
Redal(William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868))
Redeemed(Tullius Clinton O'Kane)
Red Hook(Theodore Edson Perkins, 1868)
Redcliff(Edward John Hopkins, 1863)
Redemptor Mundi(Arthur Henry Brown, 1875)
The Redeemed of the Lord(George Coles Stebbins)
Redmond(Anonymous, 1874)
Redcliffe(P. Skene)
Redeemer (Emerson)(Luther Orlando Emerson, 1863)
Redemption Ground(James McGranahan)
Red Oak(William Howard Doane, 1875)
The Redeemer Is Come(F. D. Jacobs)
Redhead(Richard Redhead, 1853)
Red Wing Seminary(John Dahle (1853-1931))
Redeemed(William James Kirkpatrick)
Redondo(James Holmes Rosecrans, 1893)
Redhead No. 46(Richard Redhead, 1853)
Redeemed(James McGranahan)
Redemption (Toy)(J. Lincoln Hall, 1896)
Renfield(E. Roberts, 1864)
rendez_a_Dieu(Louis Bourgeois, 1543, rev. 1551)
Rennes(George Frederick Root, 1881)
Our Sunday School(Victor H. Benke)
Return(William Henry Squires, 1895)
Retreat(Thomas Hatings, 1842)
Return (Monk)(William Henry Monk, 1871)
Rejoice, Rejoice(Frank Leslie Bristow, 1889)
Rejoice! Ye Saints(James H. Burke, 1891)
Rejoice, Rejoice(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
Rejoice! Rejoice!(Ira Bishop Wilson)
Rejoice and Shout Aloud(Isaac H. Bullers)
Rejoice(J. F. Kinsey)
Rejoice Today(Henry R. Baldwin)
Rejoice in the Lord Alway(James McGranahan)
Refuge(Joseph Perry Holbrook (1822-1888))
Far and Near(J.B.O. Clemm)
Reapers Are Needed(Lizzie DeArmond, circa 1910)
Ready(A. C. Palmer)
Ready(Ada Rose Gibbs (1864-1905))
read_to_me_the_blessed_Bible(A. F. Myers)
Reapers Are Needed (Gabriel)(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932))
Reed(John P. Campbell, 1899)
Reeves(Charles Reeves)
Reuben(Asa Hull, 1885)
God's Word Is Our Great Heritage(Nikolai Grundtvig, 1817; tr. Ole Belsheim, 1909)
Release(Danish Melody)
Reliance (Wesley)(Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872)
Reliance (Ladds)(F. G Ladds)
Reliance(John Henry Gower, 1895)
Ruiz(Charles R. Dunbar, 1882)
Ruhetag(Frederick R. Daries, 1916)
Ruggles(Philip Paul Bliss, 1876)
Russian Hymn(Alexis Fyodorovich Lvov, 1833)
Rustington(Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, 1897)
Ruskin(J. W. Griffith, before 1890)
Russia(Adapted from Dmitri S. Bortniansky (1751-1825))
Rusper(English Traditional Melody)
Runyan(William Marion Runyan (1870-1957))
Ruth (Hartshorn)(W. Irving Hartshorn)
Ruth(Samuel Smith (1821-1917), 1865)
Ruth (Webster)(Lorin Webster, 1905)
Ruebush(James H. Ruebush, 1915)