I Have My Own Kind Of Religion “I HAVE MY OWN KIND OF RELIGION”
“Well, I serve a LOVING God, MY God would never send anybody to Hell.”
If you are one of the many people who have said this, your biggest problem is that “your God” DOES NOT EXIST!
The Bible warns, “There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” (Proverbs 14:12 NKJ)
“The-God-who-really-is” is the one who has revealed Himself in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and in the Person of Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus said, “I am… the Truth” or another translation, “I am…Reality.” (John 14:6) Jesus, addressing God the Father, said, “Your Word is Truth” or “Your Word is Reality.” (John 17:17)
Many people engage in comparison shopping for a belief that “makes sense” to them, especially if it does not cramp their lifestyle. This may SEEM okay, but its end is eternal death.
The Reality that created and sustains the universe calls you to transfer your trust away from your own good deeds, or any other belief-system, over to Jesus Christ as your ONLY hope of heaven. The Son became a human being, lived the only perfect human life ever lived, died as a sacrifice for sinners who would put their trust in Him, and rose again from the dead to rule the universe as King. No other religion or system can solve the sin-problem. Jesus Christ is the only “way” that doesn’t lead to eternal death.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY to the God who really is. Trust Him today.