I Love the Lord I LOVE THE LORD B3-09-6A Deut. 6:5 (3-9) CENTRAL THOUGHT: Real love for God requires devotion of C. “With all thy might” our intellect, emotions & actions. 1. Strength or might is in the physical realm–the body INTRODUCTION: 2. Shouting in the spirit is not a blessing A. Verse four is Israel’s favorite –only a response to the blessing 1. It affirms monotheism a. “David danced before the Lord with 2. It establishes Israel as God’s nation all his might” (2 Sam. 6:14) of choice b. We can quench the spirit (I Th 5:19) B. The verse is repeated morning & night by all 3. To love God with all our might requires: orthodox Jews every day of their life a. Perform all that we are capable of b. “When ye shall have done all those I. LOVE FOR A LOVING GOD ( “God is love”, I Jn. 4:8) things which are commanded you, say, We A. Easy to say “I love you” but God proved it are unprofitable servants: we have done B. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that which was our duty” (Lu. 17:10) that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died 4. YOU MUST LIVE LIKE YOU LOVE GOD for us” (Ro. 5:8) C. “For God so loved the world that He gave…” D. “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God” (I Jn. 3:1)

II. OUR IDEAS OF LOVE CHANGE BUT GOD HAS DESCRIBED THE ONLY LOVE THAT IS ACCEPTABLE: A. “With all thy soul” 1. Soul is similar to personality 2. Soul is root of intelect, think, mind 3. MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO LOVE GOD B. “With all thine heart” 1. Heart is the source of emotions 2. The heart refers to the truth of a thing a. Orpah kissed Naomi out of respect but that was the end of her concern b. Simon (sorcerer) wanted to buy the gift of God rather than be worthy c. “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth” (Jn. 4:24) 3. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR HEART IN LOVING GOD 3. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR HEART IN LOVING GOD