If Jesus Came A Week From Today


The Churches would be filled with praying People immediately. There would be no bean suppers or hamburger fries in the Churches tonight.

The shows, taverns, discos, casinos and other Godless places would be emptied.

Cursing, swearing and vulgar language would stop.

Many women would wash the make-up off of their faces, put on enough clothes to be decent and throw away some of their wardrobe.

Men and women would throw their tobacco away and no more would be used. Refrigerators would be emptied of beer, wine and everything else that comes under the condemnation of God.

People would burn up the filthy literature, playing cards and other devilish trash from their homes.

No one would have to be begged to take part in the Lord’s work, for all would want to be busy when He comes.

There would be no lies told, nor any excuses made for not doing our duty to God.

People who have been holding grudges would be running around trying to get forgiveness of their fellow man.

The long-tongued gossips would stop their lying and start begging God for mercy.

Modernistic and compromising preachers would suddenly realize how wrong they were and would begin to beg God to save them; they would hunt frantically through their notebooks for a sermon on real salvation.

Church treasuries would be flooded with money as delinquents sought to pay up their tithes and offerings which they had withheld.

The few hours left before the arrival of the Lord would be a “Heaven on earth”, as everyone sought to do exactly what they thought the Lord would have them do.

Poor families would be fed; sick people would be comforted; jails would be visited; all this and more would be done as everyone would seek to meet God’s requirement of, “inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me.”

Well, Jesus is coming, and we don’t know how soon. If you do not want to be doing these things when He comes, you had better quit them now! We had better “. . . cleanse ourselves from ALL filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (II Cor. 7:1).

TODAY? PERHAPS! Did you know that before you have finished this tract, the Lord Jesus Christ could come for all His bloodbought children?

The thought startles you? Well, it may. “In an hour that ye think not.” Did you ever see an hour when everyone had the opinion that the coming of the Lord “just can’t take place now”? But it is in the “unthought of” hour that He may come.

TODAY? PERHAPS! How can anyone read Acts 1:11, I Thessalonians 4:13-18, John 14:1-3, Matthew 24:3, II Timothy 3:1-9 and numerous other passages and not realize that the coming of the Lord is soon?

TODAY? PERHAPS! The signs of the soon coming of our Lord Jesus are taking place so rapidly they are crowding each other for recognition. Call them “signs” or “lengthened shadows” or “trends” or whatever. . . the worse it looks down here, the brighter the prospects up there.


If you are not sure, write us. We will send you God’s plan of Salvation and pray for you.

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