“Oh, I believe Christ was our Great Example. I always ask myself, ‘What would Jesus do?’ and then I try to do it.”
Sorry, friend, no place in the New Testament that comments on following the example of Jesus in any way confirms the doctrine of “salvation by imitation.”
The apostle Peter mentioned Christ (in I Peter 2:21 ff.) as an example who was sinless even under gross mistreatment and who entrusted Himself completely in His suffering to His Father. Peter continues, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; for by his wounds you have been healed.” (I Peter 2:24 NIV)
The biggest problem with being saved by following Christ’s example is that we’ve already blown it. It’s awfully hard to imitate someone with a perfect record, especially when the only “passing grade” in that system is PERFECTION (see Matthew 5:48 and I John 1:10).
But Peter tells us, quoting from Isaiah 53:4 and 11, that Messiah is not only our EXAMPLE but He is also our SUBSTITUTE. He took the consequences of our sin upon Himself so that through faith in Him we might receive forgiveness and healing and abundant eternal life.
Are you an “imitation Christian” or the real thing? If you are trying to follow your own concept of what you think Jesus would do, when you examine the Scriptures you’ll probably find that the God of the Scriptures and the Jesus of the New Testament say and do things that don’t fit your personal notions. Even if your concept is close, when you try to “be like Jesus” in your own strength, you are doomed to frustration. You can’t do it. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to live the Christian life.
You must transfer your trust from your own “trying” to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. You must divorce your notions of what you THINK Jesus would do, and accept the Scriptures as the standard for what you believe and do. And put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross and arose again from the dead, to be your only Savior and the King of your life.
We’re here to help you. We’d like to meet you. But you don’t have to wait. Put your trust in Jesus, right now.