God, who desirest not the death, but
the repentance of sinners, I beseech Thee,
in Thy loving kindness, turn Thy people to
Thyself; that when they devote themselves
to Thee, Thou mayest remove the scourges
of Thine anger. Give efficacy to the peni-
tence, and the devout supplications of Thy
people, and mercifully turn away the evil
by which we are consumed; that the hearts
of men may know that these scourges both
proceed from Thine indignation, and cease
by Thy compassion; through Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen.
The rich etymology of “discipline” suggests a conscious divestment of all encumbrances, and then a determined investment of all one’s energies. Just as ancient athletes discarded everything and competed gumnos (naked), so must the disciplined Christian man divest himself of every association, habit, and tendency which impedes godliness. Then, with this lean spiritual nakedness accomplished, he must invest all his energy and sweat in the pursuit of godliness.
Kent Hughes