INDWELLING of the Holy Spirit

INDWELLING of the Holy Spirit, The

  1. In his Church, as his temple # 1Co 3:16
  2. In the body of saints, as his temple # 1Co 6:19 2Co 6:16
  3. Promised to saints # Eze 36:27
  4. Saints enjoy # Isa 63:11 2Ti 1:14
  5. Saints full of # Ac 6:5 Eph 5:18
  6. IS THE MEANS OF 6a) Quickening

    # Ro 8:11

6b) Guiding # Joh 16:13 Ga 5:18 6c) Fruit bearing # Ga 5:22 7) A proof of being Christ’s # Ro 8:9 1Jo 4:13 8) A proof of adoption # Ro 8:15 Ga 4:5 9) Is abiding # 1Jo 2:27 10) THOSE WHO HAVE NOT 10a) Are sensual # Jude 1:19 10b) Are without Christ # Ro 8:9 11) Opposed by the carnal nature # Ga 5:17