inetwittenberg Project Wittenberg Posting Locations August 23, 1994 At this time, there are three sites at which PW documents are located on the internet. H-NET New documents from Project Wittenberg will be announced through the H-GERMAN discussion list, as well as through WITTENBERG and LUTHERDOC. Messages will be forwarded to other lists by Bob Smith and other net surfers of good will. You will find Project Wittenberg documents in the H-German fileserver at History-Net, located on at the University of Illinois at Chicago. To obtain a list of the files currently available, send a message to the listserv. Its address is: Listserv@UICVM.UIC.Edu Leave the subject line blank. Send in body of the message this command: Index H-German You will receive a list of all the files currently available there. To get the document you wish, follow the same process with the command: Get [Name of your document] H-German Gopher The PW documents are available through the H-German directory in the H-Net gopher. To use this gopher, run your computer information service’s gopher client program. Look for the University of Minnesota’s Mother Gopher on the main menu or on a menu titled something like, “Internet Resources,” “Other Gopher Servers,” etc. If you have problems finding it, contact your computer people to ask where you can find it. From the Mother Gopher, follow this path: North America/ USA/ Illinois/ University of Illinois — Chicago/ The Researcher/ History/ H-Net/ H-German/ Project Wittenberg/ LUTHERNET The Project Wittenberg documents will be announced over the WITTENBERG Discussion List and ditributed over the LUTHERDOC Discussion List. All project documents are posted at the Concordia Theological Seminary Gopher at LutherNet. From the Mother Gopher, follow this path: North America/ USA/ Illinois/ Concordia University, River Forest/ Concordia University System/ Each School…/ Concordia Theological Seminary…/ Library…/ Lutheran…/Selected Documents…/ ALEX ALEX is a gopher site at Oxford University which catalogues all known electronic documents. At this site, you can quickly locate and obtain texts from many sources. From the mother gopher, follow this path: Europe/ United Kingdom/ Oxford University Top Level Gopher/ The World/ Gopherspace/ Alex/ If you stumble on to copies of our documents elsewhere, let me know, so that I can spread the good news!
The Comforter gives a sweet and plentiful evidence and persuasion of the love of God to us, such as the soul is taken, delighted, satiated withal. This is His work, and He does it effectually. To give a poor sinful soul a comfortable persuasion, affecting it throughout, in all its faculties and affections, that God in Jesus Christ loves him, delights in him, is well pleased with him, hath thoughts of tenderness and kindness towards him; to give, I say, a soul an overflowing sense hereof, is an inexpressible mercy.
John Owen