You Shall Go Out With Joy
And Be Lead Forth In Peace
The Mountains And The Hills
Will Break Forth Before You
There Will Be Shouts Of Joy
And All The Trees Of The Field
Will Clap, Will Clap Their Hands
And All The Trees Of The Field
Will Clap Their Hands
The Trees Of The Fields
Will Clap Their Hands
The Trees Of The Fields
Will Clap Their Hands
While You Go Out With Joy
If the Spirit of God is at work in your life, nothing will stop you from making this commitment. You have nothing to fear in telling someone that. You have nothing to fear in saying to someone, “I want you to think about this, I want you to consider the cost carefully.” You have nothing to fear. What you're doing is stopping people from superficial, non-saving delusion. You're backing them off and saying, let's find out whether this is really the work of the Spirit of God and what is happening in your life is not a momentary, emotional thing, but what is happening in your life is the true, regenerating work of the Holy Spirit producing an unrelenting repentance and an undying faith that will go through every barrier. You do all the important things in life by calculating carefully. This is the most important thing you'll ever do.
John MacArthur