ISSACHAR, The Tribe of

  1. Descended from Jacob’s fifth son # Ge 30:17,18
  2. Predictions respecting # Ge 49:14,15 De 33:18,19
  3. PERSONS SELECTED FROM 3a) To number the people

    # Nu 1:8

3b) To spy out the land # Nu 13:7 3c) To divide the land # Nu 34:26 4) Strength of, on leaving Egypt # Nu 1:28,29 2:6 5) Encamped under the standard of Judah east of the tabernacle # Nu 2:5 6) Next to and under standard of Judah in the journeys of Israel # Nu 10:14,15 7) Offering of, at the dedication # Nu 7:18-23 8) Families of # Nu 26:23,24 9) Strength of, on entering Canaan # Nu 26:25 10) On Gerizim said amen to the blessings # De 27:12 11) Bounds of their inheritance # Jos 19:17-23 12) Assisted Deborah against Sisera # Jud 5:15 13) Officers of, appointed by David # 1Ch 27:18 14) Officers of, appointed by Solomon # 1Ki 4:17 15) Some of, at David’s coronation # 1Ch 12:32 16) Number of warriors belonging to, in David’s time # 1Ch 7:2,5 17) Many of, at Hezekiah’s passover # 2Ch 30:18 18) Remarkable persons of # Jud 10:1 1Ki 15:27