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In your childhood, it was suggested that you had an imaginary friend by the name of Jesus.

As you grew up, your parents never discouraged you from talking with Jesus or playing with him, as some parents do with their children's other imaginary friends.

As your parent saw your interest in your friend grow dull, they would tell you things about him that they had learned from their relationship with him.  They taught you that when you talk with Jesus, you are praying to him, and when you sign to Jesus, you are worshiping him.  (I sang about my mother and the things she did and told me to do when I was younger)

In your songs to Jesus, you learned to sing of the mighty things that Jesus had done and the commands he had given to you.  Soon, you began to learn that a relationship with Jesus is very much like a relationship with your earthly father.  Your father wants to play with you and be a friend to you just like Jesus does, but they both demand to be obeyed in their commands or discipline will be the result.

You realize that you love Jesus because he cares very much about you.  Sometimes, looking back, you can laugh about something Jesus sneakily did in your life that eventually caused you to come closer to him and appreciate him all the more.

There is no friendship, salvation, with Jesus when you never give of yourself into the relationship.  Simply asking him into your heart because you're scared you will go to hell if you don't, establishes no friendship and no salvation if you never give him a piece of yourself.

Jesus tells us to go and tell others about what he has done for us.  Tell others about your special friendship with him too.

And Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God.  Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."  And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands upon them.