Jesus riding a donkey

From the Birmingham News (Sept. 22, 1989), we read that the revised English Bible has Jesus riding a donkey, not an ass TO AVOID OFFENSE. The editor, Roger Coleman, says, “The old usage of the classic example of offense is being called in the U.S. for obvious reasons. References to `ass’ have been adjusted to the inoffensive and ambiguous `donkey.'”

Can you imagine that? Americans being offended by the term “ass.” How about “hell”? How about “damn”? How about “cursed”? Imagine just for a minute the average television viewer in America in front of his cablevision watching his X-rated, pornographic movies or just any talk show, complete with hells, damns, and four letter words, being offended by Jesus Christ riding “a colt, the foal of an ass.” All the boobies are not in the hatch.