John Bryan State Park, part of the Buck Creek/John Bryan State Park Region, is a 752-acre (304 ha) Ohio state park in Greene County, Ohio. The park surrounds Clifton Gorge, a deep cut of the Little Miami River between Yellow Springs and Clifton. The park contains a campground, and hiking and biking trails. The park also abuts the Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve.
We minimize our joy when we neglect the daily worship of God in private. It is one of the great blessings of life that God does not limit our access to Him and enjoyment of His presence to one day per week! Daily strength, guidance, and encouragement are available to us. An invitation to grow in intimacy with Jesus Christ Himself is open every day. Think of it: The Lord Jesus Christ is willing to meet with you privately for as long as you want, and He is willing- even eager- to meet with you every day!
Donald S. Whitney