1. Are from God # De 32:39 Job 12:23 Am 3:6 Mic 6:9
  2. DIFFERENT KINDS OF 2a) Blotting out the name

    # De 29:20

2b) Abandonment by God # Ho 4:17 2c) Cursing men’s blessings # Mal 2:2 2d) Pestilence # De 28:21,22 Am 4:10 2e) Enemies # 2Sa 24:13 2f) Famine # De 28:38-40 Am 4:7-9 2g) Famine of hearing the word # Am 8:11 2h) The sword # Ex 22:24 Jer 19:7 2i) Captivity # De 28:41 Eze 39:23 2j) Continued sorrows # Ps 32:10 78:32,33 Eze 24:23 2k) Desolation # Eze 33:29 Joe 3:19 2l) Destruction # Job 31:3 Ps 34:16 Pr 2:22 Isa 11:4 3) INFLICTED UPON 3a) Nations # Ge 15:14 Jer 51:20,21 3b) Individuals # De 29:20 Jer 23:34 3c) False gods # Ex 12:12 Nu 33:4 3d) Posterity of sinners # Ex 20:5 Ps 37:28 La 5:7 3e) All enemies of saints # Jer 30:16 4) Sent for correction # Job 37:13 Jer 30:11 5) Sent for the deliverance of saints # Ex 6:6 6) ARE SENT, AS PUNISHMENT FOR 6a) Disobedience to God # Le 26:14-16 2Ch 7:19,20 6b) Despising the warnings of God # 2Ch 36:16 Pr 1:24-31 Jer 44:4-6 6c) Murmuring against God # Nu 14:29 6d) Idolatry # 2Ki 22:17 Jer 16:18 6e) Iniquity # Isa 26:21 Eze 24:13,14 6f) Persecuting saints # De 32:43 6g) Sins of rulers # 1Ch 21:2,12 7) Manifest the righteous character of God # Ex 9:14-16 Eze 39:21 Da 9:14 8) Are in all the earth # 1Ch 16:14 9) Are frequently tempered with mercy # Jer 4:27 5:10,15-18 Am 9:8 10) SHOULD LEAD TO 10a) Humiliation # Jos 7:6 2Ch 12:6 La 3:1-20 Joe 1:13 Jon 3:5,6 10b) Prayer # 2Ch 20:9 10c) Contrition # Ne 1:4 Es 4:3 Isa 22:12 10d) Learning righteousness # Isa 26:9 11) Should be a warning to others # Lu 13:3,5 12) MAY BE AVERTED BY 12a) Humiliation # Ex 33:3,4,14 2Ch 7:14 12b) Prayer # Jud 3:9-11 2Ch 7:13,14 12c) Forsaking iniquity # Jer 18:7,8 12d) Turning to God # De 30:1-3 13) SAINTS 13a) Preserved during # Job 5:19,20 Ps 91:7 Isa 26:20 Eze 9:6 Re 7:3 13b) Provided for, during # Ge 47:12 Ps 33:19 37:19 13c) Pray for those under # Ex 32:11-13 Nu 11:2 Da 9:3 13d) Sympathise with those under # Jer 9:1 13:17 La 3:48 13e) Acknowledge the justice of # 2Sa 24:17 Ezr 9:13 Ne 9:33 Jer 14:17 14) UPON NATIONS – Exemplified 14a) The old world # Ge 6:7,17 14b) Sodom, &c # Ge 19:24 14c) Egypt # Ex 9:14 14d) Israel # Nu 14:29,35 21:6 14e) People of Ashdod # 1Sa 5:6 14f) People of Bethshemesh # 1Sa 6:19 14g) Amalekites # 1Sa 15:3 15) UPON INDIVIDUALS – Exemplified 15a) Cain # Ge 4:11,12 15b) Canaan # Ge 9:25 15c) Korah, &c # Nu 16:33-35 15d) Achan # Jos 7:25 15e) Hophni, &c # 1Sa 2:34 15f) Saul # 1Sa 15:23 15g) Uzzah # 2Sa 6:7 15h) Jeroboam # 1Ki 13:4 15i) Ahab # 1Ki 22:38 15j) Gehazi # 2Ki 5:27 15k) Jezebel # 2Ki 9:35 15l) Nebuchadnezzar # Da 4:31 15m) Belshazzar # Da 5:30 15n) Zacharias # Lu 1:20 15o) Ananias, &c # Ac 5:1-10 15p) Herod # Ac 12:23 15q) Elymas # Ac 13:11 16) PRESERVATION DURING – Exemplified 16a) Noah # Ge 7:1,16 16b) Lot # Ge 19:15-17 16c) Joseph, &c # Ge 45:7 16d) Elijah # 1Ki 17:9 16e) Elisha &c # 2Ki 4:38-41 16f) Shunammite # 2Ki 8:1,2